Foundation stallion Zeus has left a big mark on European sport horse breeding. Bred in France Zeus contained 3/4 Anglo Arab bloodlines. As a breeding stallion Zeus produced a number of outstanding showjumping progeny, these include Midnight Madness competed by Michael Whitaker and licensed stallion Beach Boy who was imported in to the USA and international showjumper Zandor Z. Zeus produced 21 licensed stallions, 892 out of 2000 registered sport horse descendants gathered a win sum of 4.5 million Deutsch Marks.

Wargentinus S - With a string of international top horses such as Anka (Marcus Ehning), Arko III (Nick Skelton) and Adlantus As (Lars Nieberg) the stallion Argentinus has established himself as a top progenitor of show jumpers. Via Zapateado (Nurzeus x Argentinus) we arrive back to grandam Dara. This daughter of Ramiro Z jumped very successfully at national level in the 1.40m classes under Mathijs van Asten. Just as the national show jumpers Happy (Wolfgang), Indiana Jones (Wolfgang) and Louisiana (Burggraaf x Wolfgang), Dara, too, is bred out of the mare Zara (Furioso II).

SANTIAGO K (Zeus x Notaris x Heidelberg, KWPN, Stallion, 1999)Zypria
Zeus x -, -Albina
Zeus x -, -Alesca
Zeus x -, -ANN PETIT
Zeus x -, -

Zeus x -, -Archidee
Zeus x -, -
Zeus x -, -ATHEM
Zeus x -, -BALINO
Zeus x -, -Baltimoor
Zeus x Vineta, -
Beach Boy (Stallion)
Zeus x Selane, - Horse Show Jumping Database.jpg)
Sire Zeus is well respected as a breeding stallion, as well as producing countless jumping horses Zeus was also the sire of numerous brood mares who produced successful show jumping offspring, one such daughter Esprit who is the mother of the great Tinkas Boy, winner of many classes with Nick Skelton and Marcus Fuchs.DIA ROSES
Dia Roses is sired by Zues out of the mare Queen Of Roses S xx who is a daughter of Molvedo xxDIABLO
Diabo, born 1985 sired by Zeus out of the mare Tadorna who is a daughter of Goldpilz :- KWPN Sport HorseDUBHA
Dubha is a KWPN sport horse sired by Zeus out of the mare UBHA who is a daughter of Le MexicoFIMARILLA
FIMARILLA (KWPN Dressage horse, Zeus x Gurioso, 1987)DUSALINDE
Zeus x -, -DODIENA
Zeus x -, -DOMINKA
Zeus x -, -

Zeus x -, -DIETRICH
Zeus x -, -
Zeus x -, -DIOLITA
Sired by Zeus Violita (Hors la Loi II x Nurzeus) - In Violita two sires from the best French sport families are united, Hors la Loi II and Nurzeus. Both were bred from the most valued sport families that already produced numerous international stars. On the dam`s side this foal carries the blood of the famous Dutch Briolita lineage. Grandam Rivale (Grandioso) is also known as grandam of the KWPN stallion Le Byou (Damiro B) and the national showjumping horse Lightspeed (Albert Voorn). The international showjumping horses Hotkey, Flyer and Ikoon, as well as the licensed stallions Jackson, Heros and Obsession are also products from this family.EDELZYRA
Zeus x -, -Ediena
Zeus x Todiena, -Een Ander
Zeus x -, -ELEGANZ
Zeus x -, -ELEKTRIK
Zeus x -, -ENNIO
Zeus x -, -ENJOLIE
Zeus x -, -

Zeus x -, -ERONETTE
Zeus x -, -Zorro T
Showjumping stallion Zorro T, sired by Zeus out of a Don Carlos mareETIENNE
Zeus x -, -ETRICHTA
Zeus x -, -
Zeus x -, -FAMA
Zeus x -, -FANAKTA
KWPN stallion REGENT LEENDERT (Zeus x Voltaire, 1998)FIVOLDA
Zeus x -, -FROLOMA
Zeus x -, -GALADRIEL
Zeus x -, -

Zeus x -, -GIVRY DH
Zeus x -, -GIVOLDA
Zeus x -, -GANIBUR
Zeus x -, -HAZEUS
Zeus x -, -

HBC Michael
Zeus x -, -

Zeus x -, -IDEM DITO
Zeus x -, -Irulan
Zeus x -, -JOURNESSE
Zeus x -, -KARAMBA
Zeus x -, -Katja
Zeus x Kundi V, -

Zeus x -, -RANJA
KWPn, RANJA (Zeus x Jus De Pomme x Farn)LA ZORIA
Zeus x -, -LAMORATA
Zeus x -, -Latina
Zeus x -, -N.ADERMIE 2
Zeus x -, -N.RUGERTH 61
Zeus x -, -NABRAXIS
Zeus x -, -

Zeus x -, -
Zeus x -, -NEW YORK S
Zeus x -, -NIPRO
Zeus x -, -NONDRIA II
Zeus x -, -NORFULJA
Zeus x -, -NUR ANKA
Zeus x -, -O.ZEUS M
Zeus x -, -ODIENA
Zeus x -, -ONOSA
Zeus x -, -OORNELL
Zeus x -, -
Zeus x -, -PARINA K
Zeus x -, -PARANDA
Zeus x -, -PERITO
Zeus x -, -PERSEUS D
Zeus x -, -Polarbraut
Zeus x Preciosa, -
Zeus x -, -RISJA
Zeus x -, -RISSA
Zeus x -, -ROSELINDE
Zeus x -, -ROSELLE
Zeus x -, -ROTESSE D
Zeus x -, -RUBICO
Zeus x -, -RELEVA
Zeus x -, -RELLA
Zeus x -, -RAM BAM
Zeus x -, -RAGGAE BOY SW
Zeus x -, -Saphire
Zeus x -, -
Zeus x -, -
Zeus x -, -
Zeus x -, -SOLE MIO-S
Zeus x -, -
Zeus x -, -SEUZJE
Zeus x -, -THE END
Zeus x -, -
Touch of Magic
Zeus x -, -UTA 2
Zeus x -, -UTA II
Zeus x -, -UTANA VDL
Zeus x -, -

Zeus x -, -Zalza
Zeus x -, -Zanka
Zeus x -, -ZANDOR
Zeus x -, -Zaragh
Zeus x Furina II, -ZARAH
Zeus x -, -
Zeus x -, -Zatino T
Zeus x -, -

Zeus x -, -Zerano III
Zeus x -, -Zerbin
Zeus x -, -Zermatt
Zeus x -, -
Zeus x -, -ZAYSAN Z
Zeus x -, -ZENIT
Zeus x -, -Zeno 5
Zeus x -, -Zodiac
Zeus x Sonora La Silla, -ZINRIKA
Zeus x -, -ZIPPO
Zeus x -, -Zirkana
Zeus x -, -Zsensi
Zeus x -, -ZITA Z
Zeus x -, -ZOU ZSA
Zeus x -, -Zukunft
- x -, -

Zymbal I
Zeus x -, -ZYRIKANA
Zeus x -, -DASCHMI
Daschmi is by the great Zeus who is recognised as a proven sire of sport horses around the world, among the progeny of Zeus is Zandor Z who was competed by Jos Lansink winning numerous competitions including the prestigious class Sires of The world.BARBARELLA
TEQUILAMUNDE (KWPN, Mare, 2000, Zeus x Furioso II x Alme)
KWPN sport horse Damiano, sired by Zeus out of the Upsala who is a daughter of Nurprimus, born 1985

Zacharias sired by Zeus
Daltina is registered by KWPN breeding association, sired by Zeus out of the mare Palatina who is a daughter ApalatinDark-Imoo
Dark-Imoo is a sport horse registered with the KWPN breeding association, sired by Zeus out of the mare Zydille Utopia who is a daughter of Abgar xxBilly
Billy, sired by Zeus out of the mare Crystal who is the daughter of Ahorn Z, born 1988 registered with the KWPN breeding associationMidnight Madness
Midnight Madness is an international show jumper competed by British rider Michael Whitaker, sired by Zeus
Dutch warmblood Brutus sired by Zeus out of the mare Tadorna who is a daughter of Goldpilz

Brigette KWPN registered, born 1983 :- Sired by Zeus out of the mare Voretta who is a daughter of Mamori xxBelle-Madame
KWPN sport horse, Belle-Madame born 1983 registered with the KWPN breeding association, sired by Zeus out of the mare Jolie Madame who is the daughter of Duc De NormandieBlizzard
Born 1983 Blizzard is sired by Zeus out of the mare Rilana who is a daughter of Solaris xx, Blizzard is registered with the KWPN stud book.Bumarilla
KWPN sport horse Bumarilla, sired by Zeus out of the mare Umarilladeux who is a daughter of Onyx, born 1983Brendiela
Brendiela is a KWPN sport horse born 1983, sired by Zeus out of the mare Odiedel who is a daughter of Ghill Manor xxDELISA
A horse with an excellent show jumping pedigree, Delisa is by Zeus who is one of the leading sires in the world of showjumping, as well as Delisa Zeus is also the sire of stallion Zandor Z ridden by Jos Lansink, Midnight Madness who along with Michael Whitaker was ranked number one in the FEI jumping rankings and Zypriaa who along with Dirk Hauser competed internationally with lots of success.Dadona
Dadona :- Born 1985, sired by Zeus out of the mare Viola who is a daughter of Roemer, registered with the KWPN studbookDESIREE UTOPIA
Desiree Utopia is a KWPN sport horse sired by Zeus out of the mare Zenate Utopia who is a daughter of Duc De NormandieZini
1990 mare Zini, sired by Zeus out of the mare Dini who is a daughter of DomspatzDATRICHTA
Sire of Datrichta Zeus is a mix of selle francais and anglo arab, when he was graded Zeus quickly became popular with breeders attracting 100`s of mare, with numerous progeny competeing internationally, these include Zando Z (Jos Lansink), Czar (Ian Millar), Playback (Rodney Jenkins)Desire
1985 and registered with the Durch breeding association the KWPN, the mother of Desire is Tatiana who is a daughter of HeidelbergDee Dee
Dee Dee :- Born 1985, sired by Zeus out of the mare Rosette who is a daughter of Pastrocio xx, Dee Dee is registered with the KWPN studbookDELME D
Delme D is buy the show jumping breeding stallion Zeus who is the sire of countless international showjumpers, progeny of Delme D include, Zypriaa competed by Dirk hauser, Virtual Village Zalza riden by Nick Skelton and Ennio ridden by Fernando SarasolaDecadence
Decadence is a sport horse sired by the selle francais x anglo arab stallion Zeus. As a sire Zeus has bred many outstanding offspring one of the most notable being the great Midnight Madness who along with his rider Michael Whitaker dominated the sport with many grand prix victories, together Midnight Madness and Michael Whitaker were ranked number one in the world in 1993Denise
Denise is by Zeus who is a recognised breeder of showjumping horses all around the world, Zeus has produced over 21 approved stallions, with progeny winning over 4.5 million DM in the competition ring.ZAPATEADO
Sired by ZeusWargentinus S - With a string of international top horses such as Anka (Marcus Ehning), Arko III (Nick Skelton) and Adlantus As (Lars Nieberg) the stallion Argentinus has established himself as a top progenitor of show jumpers. Via Zapateado (Nurzeus x Argentinus) we arrive back to grandam Dara. This daughter of Ramiro Z jumped very successfully at national level in the 1.40m classes under Mathijs van Asten. Just as the national show jumpers Happy (Wolfgang), Indiana Jones (Wolfgang) and Louisiana (Burggraaf x Wolfgang), Dara, too, is bred out of the mare Zara (Furioso II).
KWPN mare ANNEVANCK (Zeus x Millers Grey xx)Michael
Zeus x Herarda,Zeremonie
Zeus x Elida, - Laura Kraut - Zeremonie - Olympia - Video