Zack The Jumping Zebra
Meet Zack The Jumping Zebra, ridden by Texan rider Sammi Jo Stohler, the exotic pet was kept at Sammi`s farm and she first discovered Zack`s hidden ability when having to build larger fencing after he kept jumping out of his paddock. Sammi decided to see if he could still show of his natural scope while under saddle. Sammi has owned several Zebra`s over the year but Zack is the first one with who she has tried jumping. Together Sammi and Zack comfortably jump 2ft 8in and reguarly go to local shows to compete against the more traditional horses and ponies, below you can watch a video on Zack the jumping Zebra.

Kir Major
Kir Major - Russia - Eventing

Sam Phillips
Sam Phillips - Horse Racing
Stephanie Laques
Stephanie Laques - France - Endurance Rider