
Zachary Libes

Zachary Libes - USA - Showjumping Rider / Video of BARISME VDL ridden by ZACHARY LIBES from ShowNet!

Zachary Libes

Zachary Libes

Yvette Pickrell

Yvette Pickrell - USA - Dressage Rider Yvette Pickrell

Yvonne Kothe

Yvonne Kothe - Germany - Showjumping Rider Yvonne Kothe

Zachary Ball

Zachary Ball - Canada - Dressage Rider Zachary Ball

Yvonne Knight

Yvonne Knight - Australia
Yvonne Knight
2. The DESCRIPTION meta tag

Use a plain English sentence of no more than 40 words for your description. Again, the description should begin with the most important keywords. Search engines will use the contents of this tag to display results of a search. If there is no description meta tag then the search engine will attempt to build one from the content at the top of the body of the page. Words like “BackNextProductsSupport” wont mean anything to users reading search results. Also do not use a list of keywords as a description. Search engines will see this as an attempt to achieve a high ranking and will probably penalize you and your site may appear much lower on the list as a result.