Yvonne Croke
Yvonne Croke - Ireland- Endurance Rider / Horses competed by Yvonne Croke include DANTEAN (DANTIST x SILVER FLAME, Anglo Arabian)
Keyword Density and Copy Writing
Keywords and keyword phrases must occur often and near the top the body of your web pages to be indexed. The more frequent the keywords appear and the nearer they appear to the beginning of the page, the greater the chance of high search engine placement. Effective use of keywords in the body of the page is the second most important factor for high search engine placement. As discussed above the tag is the most important.

Keyword Density and Copy Writing
Keywords and keyword phrases must occur often and near the top the body of your web pages to be indexed. The more frequent the keywords appear and the nearer they appear to the beginning of the page, the greater the chance of high search engine placement. Effective use of keywords in the body of the page is the second most important factor for high search engine placement. As discussed above the