What a joy to watch, such a capable little girl and what an amazing horse
What a joy to watch, such a capable little girl and what an amazing horse she has, when asked if she wanted help this independent little girl replied. `✋ no mom I can catch him you just have to leg me up!` @SKC Livestock
This is so uplifting! I love horses. and all animals! I find more peace with animals than humans! I know to some this might sound crazy, but to have the love, and confidence of an animal is something that I feel God created us for! They NEVER let me down, and always love me with all my faults! Thank you Lord for creating our animal equals!
This is so uplifting! I love horses. and all animals! I find more peace with animals than humans! I know to some this might sound crazy, but to have the love, and confidence of an animal is something that I feel God created us for! They NEVER let me down, and always love me with all my faults! Thank you Lord for creating our animal equals!