Weatherbeeta Rugs
Weatherbeeta is a leading horse rug manufacturer, Stableexpress online equestrian store has listed for sale all the many different types of Weatherbeeta Rugs both new and used.
So you have decided that your horse should be rugged that leads to the question of what type of rug or blanket should be used. Go online or into any saddler store and you will be faced with hundreds of different styles, brands and choices it’s hard to know where to begin.
The best thing to remember is that the purpose of a rug is to keep your horse warm. A blanket is no substitute for protection from the wind and rain, you rug for warmth not as an alternative to protection from the winter elements, nobody likes to be stuck in the wind and the rain and neither does your horse.
Blankets and Rugging For Horses
As winter approaches horses start to grow a different type of coat to help them stay as warm as possible. The first coat is fluffy and stands up to trap warm body heat while the second coat is a longer hair that helps repel water off of them and away from their skin. Obviously if your horse is exposed to windy and/or rainy conditions they can lose this advantage as a wet horse can lose its body heat up to 20 times faster than a dry horse.So you have decided that your horse should be rugged that leads to the question of what type of rug or blanket should be used. Go online or into any saddler store and you will be faced with hundreds of different styles, brands and choices it’s hard to know where to begin.
The best thing to remember is that the purpose of a rug is to keep your horse warm. A blanket is no substitute for protection from the wind and rain, you rug for warmth not as an alternative to protection from the winter elements, nobody likes to be stuck in the wind and the rain and neither does your horse.