Viral Marketing
Put simply Viral marketing is a technique that uses word of mouth and social media to reach and affect an audience. You have most probably already seen many basic forms of viral marketing without even realising it. This is the basic beauty of the system! Consider the fact that the most common examples of viral marketing are the "Tell A Friend" or "Recommend This To A Friend" forms you see on most websites. Yes many go unused but you will be surprised that the results are excellent. The reason for this is rather obvious, somebody visits the site and enjoys their experience and thinks that one or more of his friends would also enjoy, or find the site useful. The visitor could email their friends but the form makes the process simple.
Once the form has sent the visitors friend an invitation to visit your site and they follow the link you have a visitor who is interested in your product/service rather than a visitor who has landed on your site by chance. Therefore the conversion rate of such visitors should be higher than your usual visitors.
The ultimate goal of viral marketing is to promote your business, idea, service or product over and over until it reaches thousands of people.
Yes, the word "viral" may have negative connotations, viral flu and computer viruses are not very nice! However the reference is to the fact that this form of advertising is contagious and passes from person to person in a positive manner beneficial to your business.
Viral marketing is the creation and distribution of content that gets passed on to others. The challenge is to make the product creative or attractive enough for users to want to bother spreading it around. Viral marketing is simply the latest variant of what used to be referred to as word of mouth and the diffusion of innovation. Viral marketing is a proven concept to attract an audience for any kind of business. The main and foremost advantage of viral marketing is that you get a lot of publicity and public awareness about your site and your company.
While viral maketing has been the "BUZZ" word of many marketing consultants for several years it`s actual implementation has continually changed and evolved. Many online campaigns have the ultimate goal of building their opt in email lists and brand building and while the advantages of list building can not be ignored it should always be kept in mind that a true viral marketing campaign should be kept extremely easy to share!
Stableexpress are experts in viral marketing for the equestrian, with our platforms on social media as well as our expertise in content creation we can imagine excellent viral marketing strategies, design and development and then seed them to begin the spread of your viral advertising campaign. For more information and a free consultation please call 0800 0029120

The ultimate goal of viral marketing is to promote your business, idea, service or product over and over until it reaches thousands of people.
Yes, the word "viral" may have negative connotations, viral flu and computer viruses are not very nice! However the reference is to the fact that this form of advertising is contagious and passes from person to person in a positive manner beneficial to your business.
Viral marketing is the creation and distribution of content that gets passed on to others. The challenge is to make the product creative or attractive enough for users to want to bother spreading it around. Viral marketing is simply the latest variant of what used to be referred to as word of mouth and the diffusion of innovation. Viral marketing is a proven concept to attract an audience for any kind of business. The main and foremost advantage of viral marketing is that you get a lot of publicity and public awareness about your site and your company.

Stableexpress are experts in viral marketing for the equestrian, with our platforms on social media as well as our expertise in content creation we can imagine excellent viral marketing strategies, design and development and then seed them to begin the spread of your viral advertising campaign. For more information and a free consultation please call 0800 0029120