Supreme Extreme Mustang Makeover Youth Freestyle Finals
As we can see from the rapidly increasing number of mustang herds in the United States, we must say that they`ve become very popular in this country. The thing is that, although their number is raising, we can say the same about the land that should be available to this horses. So, in order to prevent overgrazing of the available land and to allow the mustangs to survive, the Bureau of Land Management regularly rounds up mustangs.
The problem is with the horses that are rounded up. What do they do with them? Mostly they are given for adoption or put up for auction. But, the truth is that there are not so many homes that can take care for them, because they are untrained. And that`s a pity, because mustangs have a lot of potential for becoming a hardy riding horses. At this point we gotta mention the Supreme Extreme Mustang Makeover.
It`s an interesting competition and the idea of this challenge is very useful and good for the rounded horses. Trainers from all around the country come to take part in this competition, where the challenge is to train an unhandled horse-mustang. They are given around 100 days to work with their mustangs and after that they come back and compete. The competition contains few challenges through which the trainers can show how well trained their horses are. The most interesting part is the freestyle challenge, where the pair performs it`s own routine. Generally, this competition is showing how valuable mustangs are.
In the following video you can see the Top 10 Competitors from the show back in 2012. Just look how those mustangs are responsive and well-trained! And that`s not all, what amazes the crowd are the trainers of those horses. All of them are in the youth division and you must have some skills to do such great work in those age- ages 8 through 17.
After finishing the competition, horses are put up for auction and during this 10 years since the Makeover started, more than 5000 mustangs have been adopted. That`s why the Mustang Makeover is very popular and people love it. It showed them how special and incredible mustangs are.

It`s an interesting competition and the idea of this challenge is very useful and good for the rounded horses. Trainers from all around the country come to take part in this competition, where the challenge is to train an unhandled horse-mustang. They are given around 100 days to work with their mustangs and after that they come back and compete. The competition contains few challenges through which the trainers can show how well trained their horses are. The most interesting part is the freestyle challenge, where the pair performs it`s own routine. Generally, this competition is showing how valuable mustangs are.
In the following video you can see the Top 10 Competitors from the show back in 2012. Just look how those mustangs are responsive and well-trained! And that`s not all, what amazes the crowd are the trainers of those horses. All of them are in the youth division and you must have some skills to do such great work in those age- ages 8 through 17.
After finishing the competition, horses are put up for auction and during this 10 years since the Makeover started, more than 5000 mustangs have been adopted. That`s why the Mustang Makeover is very popular and people love it. It showed them how special and incredible mustangs are.