Starving Horses Rescued, Rehabilitated and Given a Beautiful New Home
Watch this beautiful story of how 3 starving, malnourished and depressed horses - so desperate they put their heads through electric fences to find food - found a new life.
Their condition was so bad their hooves were hugely overweight, their hooves were overgrown, brittle and cracked, thank goodness for these amazing people who take their time to re-habilitate these horses.
Watch how they react to their new paddock with plenty of room and grass to eat!
If you would like to help Rosie and the other horses and the other horses being helped by this great organisation look up Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue on Social media.
Don’t forget to share this beautiful story with your friends guys!

Watch how they react to their new paddock with plenty of room and grass to eat!
If you would like to help Rosie and the other horses and the other horses being helped by this great organisation look up Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue on Social media.
StableexpressStarving Horses Rescued, Rehabilitated and Given a Beautiful New Home
Posted by Stable Express
Don’t forget to share this beautiful story with your friends guys!