Seabiscuit vs. War Admiral - 1938 Match Race
1938 saw the historic race of two of the all time greats from the world of horse racing, when the legendary Seabiscuit raced against the great War Admiral, below you can watch the footage of this historic race.
Many people believed War Admiral to be the faster of the two horses, but Seabiscuit took the early lead, showing he also had the acceleration and turn of foot, War Admiral pulled alongside Seabiscuit but struggled to pass, he did manage a short lead but Seabiscuit found another gear, the pair remained neck and neck but Seabiscuit would win the battle of wills and begin to pull away from War Admiral.
Secretariat and his Historic 1973 Triple Crown
Thoroughbred vs Quarter Horses
Buchiko - The Spotted Race Horse
Secretariat and his Historic 1973 Triple Crown

Thoroughbred vs Quarter Horses

Buchiko - The Spotted Race Horse