Sara Algotsson Ostholt
Sara lives in Warendorf in 2008. She trains and competes in both their own and other horses. Sara has been very successful as a senior, including national championships and advanced placement in the European Championship qualifiers and the World Cup Finals. Sara also participated in the Swedish team in the Athens Olympics.
Sara is married to Frank Ostholt and they have their daughter Wilma.
Sara has:
an economics education, and has previously worked with it. belonged to the Swedish eventing team since 1995, when she rode her first European Championships.
participated in the Olympics and European championships.
have been placed Worlcupfinalen twice, Robin des Bois.
has 6 Championship medals including 3 gold.
has a 5th place with Robin des Bois in fyrstjÀrninga Luhmulen
has won the Breeders Trophy with Robin des Bois, Rozzini, Wega and Sollozzo.
Won Youngstock World Cup 2010 with Mrs. Medicott.
Sara is married to Frank Ostholt and they have their daughter Wilma.
Sara has:
an economics education, and has previously worked with it. belonged to the Swedish eventing team since 1995, when she rode her first European Championships.
participated in the Olympics and European championships.
have been placed Worlcupfinalen twice, Robin des Bois.
has 6 Championship medals including 3 gold.
has a 5th place with Robin des Bois in fyrstjÀrninga Luhmulen
has won the Breeders Trophy with Robin des Bois, Rozzini, Wega and Sollozzo.
Won Youngstock World Cup 2010 with Mrs. Medicott.