Rohdiamant is a dressage stallion who has firmly established himself as one of the world`s elite sires. In 2010 he was in third place in the WBFSH ranking and thus even well ahead of his father Rubinstein. His own career was peppered with highlights: licensing winner, two-time Bundeschampion, main premium winner and Grand Prix winner under Lisa M. Wilcox / USA.
Out of his more than 50 licensed sons, the champion stallions Ron William, Rhodon, Rosenberg and Blue Hors Romanov stand out. The latter, bred by Harli Seifert, became a VTV sport stallion in 2008 and made his successful debut in World Cup freestyle competitions in 2010. His full brother Rubin-Royal received the VTV dressage stallion award in 2007, won the Oldenburg main premium and won Grand Prix dressage.
More than 100 of his offspring recorded successes in class S, such as Responsible OLD / Helen Langehanenberg, Eremo del Castegno / Valentina Truppa / ITA and the junior European Championship second place Revino / Angela Krosswijk / NED, Rihanna and the dressage horse national championship finalist Rohjuwel. Soon 90 daughters of the rough diamond received the state premium, including the champion mares pure silk in Oldenburg and Romanika in the Rhineland. Rohdiamant is among other things the dam sire of the dressage European Championship fifth Augustin OLD / Victoria Max-Theurer / AUT.
Rubinstein x Elektia V, - American Dressage Horses Grand Prix Dressage Stallions

At the stallion approval Rosentanz excelled in every single category, not scoring less than 7.25. He received 8.5 for trot, 8.38 for canter and walk, 9.25 for rideability and 7.25 for show jumping potential. He received a 9.13 for temperament and a 10 for his character. Out of 25 participating horses, his scores for movement were the best for walk and trot and second best for canter.

Rosentanz has won a series of tests for young riding horses and qualified for the Bundeschampionat. This past season Rosentanz has won several tests for young riding and dressage horses. At the Vorwerk Stallion show in February 2004, Rosentanz made his first public appearance under saddle. He showed himself to be 100% bombproof and displayed three top basic gaits.
His sire, Rohdiamant, was Champion Stallion at the 1992 Oldenburg approval and passed his performance test with a score of 150.01 in the partial index for rideability. In 1994 he was awarded the Main Premium in Oldenburg. Successful up to Grand Prix, Rohdiamant has sired over 30 licensed sons, including champion stallions and just as many State Premium mares.
Sao Paulo, the sire of Rosentanz` dam, produced a number of outstanding dressage horses and jumpers. At present, the most famous of these is the ten year old Satchmo, who won German team gold at the European Championships under the Olympic rider, Isabell Werth. Sabrina, Rosentanz` dam, passed her broodmare performance test with outstanding results.
Out of his more than 50 licensed sons, the champion stallions Ron William, Rhodon, Rosenberg and Blue Hors Romanov stand out. The latter, bred by Harli Seifert, became a VTV sport stallion in 2008 and made his successful debut in World Cup freestyle competitions in 2010. His full brother Rubin-Royal received the VTV dressage stallion award in 2007, won the Oldenburg main premium and won Grand Prix dressage.

Rohdiamant & Lisa Wilcox, Canter On The Beach

Blue Hors Romanov
Rohdiamant x -, Oldenburg - Quality Dressage HorseBOWIE (EX RAPHAEL)
Rohdiamant x -, -ENCHANTEE P
Rohdiamant x -, -
Rohdiamant x -, -NOELLE STV
Rohdiamant x -, -
Rohdiamant x -, -ODALINE V
Rohdiamant x -, -OSTARA H
Rohdiamant x -, -PAREL
Rohdiamant x -, -PERLE-LINEKE
Rohdiamant x -, -PINOMIA
Rohdiamant x -, -

Rohdiamant x -, -ROADSTER
Rohdiamant x -, -

Rohdiamant x -, -ROHSTEIN
Rohdiamant x -, -
Rohdiamant x -, -ROELINDE
Rohdiamant x -, -ROH MAGIC
Rohdiamant x -, -ROHBRIA
Rohdiamant x -, -ROHDIVA
Rohdiamant x -, -ROMAN NATURE
Rohdiamant x -, -
Rohdiamant x -, -
Rohdiamant x -, - Dutch Warmblood Dressage StallionsROYAL ANGEL I
Rohdiamant x -, -ROYAL JUBILEE
Rohdiamant x -, -ROYAL OLYMP
Rohdiamant x -, -ROYAL PRINCE
Rohdiamant x -, -RUBIN ACTION
Rohdiamant x -, -RUBINA-DONNEE
Rohdiamant x -, -RUBINO VINCENTO
Rohdiamant x -, -
Rohdiamant x -, -RUMICELLO
Rohdiamant x -, -
Rohdiamant x -, -REECE
Rohdiamant x -, -Responsible Old
Rohdiamant x -, -RICOCHET
Rohdiamant x -, -

Rohdiamant x -, -

Rohdiamant x -, -RANJID G
Rohdiamant x -, -RATLADA
Rohdiamant x -, -REAL DIAMOND
Rohdiamant x -, -RABANO
Rohdiamant x -, -RAJASTHAN
Rohdiamant x -, -
Rohdiamant x -, -
Rohdiamant x -, -TRES BIEN
Rohdiamant x -, -
Rohdiamant x -, -ULANI
Rohdiamant x -, -ULAISY
Rohdiamant x -, -UNISTER
Rohdiamant x -, -

Rohdiamant x -, -WINDY CLIFF M.P.
Rohdiamant x -, -WOVANCK
Rohdiamant x -, -Rosentanz
Rozentanz was top premium stallion at the 2003 stallion approval in Verden and was the highest selling youngster at the auction. He is an extremely extravagant, highly modern sport horse with outstanding movement as well as a talent for jumping.At the stallion approval Rosentanz excelled in every single category, not scoring less than 7.25. He received 8.5 for trot, 8.38 for canter and walk, 9.25 for rideability and 7.25 for show jumping potential. He received a 9.13 for temperament and a 10 for his character. Out of 25 participating horses, his scores for movement were the best for walk and trot and second best for canter.

Rosentanz has won a series of tests for young riding horses and qualified for the Bundeschampionat. This past season Rosentanz has won several tests for young riding and dressage horses. At the Vorwerk Stallion show in February 2004, Rosentanz made his first public appearance under saddle. He showed himself to be 100% bombproof and displayed three top basic gaits.
His sire, Rohdiamant, was Champion Stallion at the 1992 Oldenburg approval and passed his performance test with a score of 150.01 in the partial index for rideability. In 1994 he was awarded the Main Premium in Oldenburg. Successful up to Grand Prix, Rohdiamant has sired over 30 licensed sons, including champion stallions and just as many State Premium mares.
Sao Paulo, the sire of Rosentanz` dam, produced a number of outstanding dressage horses and jumpers. At present, the most famous of these is the ten year old Satchmo, who won German team gold at the European Championships under the Olympic rider, Isabell Werth. Sabrina, Rosentanz` dam, passed her broodmare performance test with outstanding results.