Police Horses

Rescuing Team Saved Lucky From A River In Alaska

While crossing a river in Alaska, a horse named Lucky, found himself in a desperate need of human help. He lost his footing and was very hard beaten by the river`s rocks. Lucky couldn`t walk, because his legs were swollen and he suffered a lot of pain. People you came to rescue him, knew that they must act very quick, because the nearest clinic was hours away!
Rescuing Team Saved Lucky From A River In Alaska
With a special sling and a helicopter, Lucky was gently lifted from the ground and flew into the air. Lucky for him, he was transported to a clinic where he could get a medical treatment. It`s amazing to watch the video below and see the giant horse flying in the air!

This kind of operations can be very dangerous, because rescuers are working with a large animal, which very often is in pain, frightened and reactive. That`s why, from the start of the operation, the rescuers safety must be a priority- remember that a kick from a horse in the worst case can kill a person!

What helps the most when it comes to rescuing a large animal, are the experience and training. And in any case of rescuing , a veterinarian can help you a lot, because he is able to sedate a horse, which will calm him and improve his safety. The rescuers must think ahead, because every situation is different, so they must be creative.

Another very important thing is to choose the right equipment and to know how to use it. As you could see from the video with Lucky, the rescuers used a sling, and with the proper adjustment they managed to lift him up.

People who work in this kind of rescuing teams got their biggest reward when a horse is returned to safety, that`s why they are incredible ! Although they are taking a lot of risk, that risk pays off for sure!

Rescuing Team Saved Lucky From A River In Alaska