Quat`Sous is a leading selle francais stallion, watch Quat Sous in action below, Quat`Sous competed at the highest level competed by Edouard Couperie and Eric Navet representing in many Nation cup competitions.
Quat`Sous was Regular member of the French Nations Cup team and has been jumping internationally since 1989. 1st Nations Cup at Dinard and Kapellen. He has won over £125,000 in prize money.
BR> One of the leading sires of young horses internationally.

Quat`Sous was Regular member of the French Nations Cup team and has been jumping internationally since 1989. 1st Nations Cup at Dinard and Kapellen. He has won over £125,000 in prize money.
BR> One of the leading sires of young horses internationally.

Discrete IV
Quat`Sous x -, -Dollar Du Mesnil
Quat`Sous x , -