Brood Mares

Preparing Your Mare For The Stud

A question asked by any new breeder`s is what preparations do i need to undertake to ensure my mare is ready to be sent away to be put in foal. Ensuring your mare is in good condition and the proper test have been carried out can save you both time and money.

Mare Scanning
Fernando - Coloured Stallion

Ensure Your Horse Is In Good Physical Condition
If your horse is showing signs of illness have it checked out, obviously you do not want the possibility of sending an ill horse to a stud that could spread the sickness to another yard. If your horse is overweight this may also cause problems, some studies have shown that if a mare is fat and overweight this can decrease fertility and make conceiving a foal more difficult.

Your Mare Should Be Will Handled
When you are putting a mare in foal they will have to have a number of internal scans in stock`s to check when the best time is to cover the mare is, they will also have to stand for the stallion to serve the mare or be inseminated by the vet if it is to be covered by Artificial Insemination. If your mare do have any issue`s when being handled ensure that you inform the stud so that they are aware and take the appropriate steps. If you are sending a young horse to be put in foal spend time with it handling and making sure it is halter broken.

Handing Horse

Swab Test and Cycle Check
Before your mare is covered by a stallion, it will need to be swabbed, this is to test for any STD`s you can get the vet to come to you to carry it out, alternatively many stud`s can get the vet to check the mare when is at their`s. The advantages of the stud carrying it out is often wont be any vet call out fee, the down side is that if the test shows any problem`s then this could postpone covering, but you will be paying livery at the stud farm. Your mare will be scanned before visiting the stallion to establish it`s breeding cycle, this can also be carried out at your yard before sending the mare away, again reducing the amount of time spent at the yard.

Ensure You Know The T&C`s
When sending a mare make sure you understand all the terms and condition`s between you and the stallion owner / stud farm, make sure you know the livery cost and any vet bills you will receive, find out how long the mare will stop at there`s, will the mare remain there for the twelve day scan, will the mare be turned out with other`s or is there an option for a private paddock, the stud farm will also discuss the checks that will be carried out on the mare and scanning schedule. Remember if in doubt or have any questions ask the stud where the vet is standing they will often have lots of experience and want the whole process to go as smoothly as possible.

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Preparing Your Mare For The Stud

Posted by Stable Express

Preparing Your Mare For The Stud

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