
Noel Clark

Noel Clark - Canada - Eventing / Noel is an advanced level three day eventer and show jumper who has worked with some of the best trainers including George Morris, Denny Emerson, Blyth Taite, and Peter Gray. Noel Clark was also short listed for the Canadian Eventing team and has competed internationally in Eventing for years Noel Clark

Horses have been Noel`s main focus for most of his life having started in pony club and up through international competition. Horsemanship, teaching, and competition are his main passions. Having apprenticed with some of North America`s top Eventers and Show Jumpers, as well as taken clinics from some of the worlds best, Noel brings a wealth of knowledge from the competition world. He feels strongly that these elements work better as we increase our knowledge of horsemanship.

Exposing himself more to horsemanship has allowed a better understanding of educating horses and how to transition that into application. Noel brings this focus into his clinics by placing the horses understanding and education as the primary objective allowing a more free and willing horse. To achieve this we will explore how horses think and function as well as work to fill gaps in our understanding and approach.

A main focus for the riders will be on controlling themselves both with equitation, the ability to control ones self physically, as well as the ability to control ones self mentally. Noel`s clinics are focused on education and therefor will take the time needed to work through situation as they arise. Engagement of the rider as well as questions are encouraged to help us all develop a better understanding of how to access the horses assets in a more harmonious way.
Noel Clark

Noel Clark