Holiday Promotions on Twitter

Marketing On Twitter-Keys to Success

As you start to explore marketing on Twitter, you need to keep a few key things in mind…

Here are a few keys to creating success as you begin marketing on Twitter:

Be Social: Twitter, despite the way some people treat it, is a Social Network, so you will need to be social. That means you will want to converse with people, comment on things they share and generally build real relationships. It takes an investment, but it doesn’t need to be an exorbitant amount of time… in fact, when done right, marketing on Twitter can take only a few minutes a day.

Retweet: It gets mentioned a lot, but I want to mention it again here… retweeting is an essential part of your twitter strategy. You need to actively retweet things that will be interesting to your followers and help you build key relationships. You also need to make sure you thank EVERY SINGLE PERSON who retweets you. There is a great way to do this too – you can’t use the new Twitter retweet function, but if you change the settings in a Twitter tool like Hootsuite, you can click the button to retweet and the whole tweet will be placed in your text box, allowing you to edit it as you see fit – and send your links out again when you thank someone for retweeting them.

Be a Regular: You must participate on a regular basis to make Twitter work for you. If you get on 1 time per day and send out 1 tweet you will get almost nothing in return. You must spend a little time a couple of times a day responding to people, retweeting and posting some information that is good to share. Make it a part of your daily routine. Be Personal: Again, it’s a ‘social network’ so people want to interact with people. Don’t be shy, share some things about your life – share a photo, a thought, an inspiration – whatever strikes you. A really easy way to do this is with a cell phone that has a camera. As you go through your day, watch for opportunities to snap an interesting shot and then share it with your Twitter followers.

Get More Out of Twitter: Link your Twitter account to other social networks like Facebook, but you need to do it the right way – the wrong way can get you shut down on Facebook, and even kicked off permanently. Look up the right ways to share between your accounts, or you can use a tool like Hootsuite to select which updates you want to send to Facebook and other social networks message by message.

Marketing on Twitter can be an extremely valuable part of your overall online marketing and social media marketing strategy – follow these steps and you’ll be headed down the right path. For more Twitter strategy, click here to see the rest of the Twitter and marketing blog.

Marketing On Twitter-Keys to Success