Roberto Moreno

Luciano Novelletto

Luciano Novelletto - Argentina

We are very excited to announce that Victoria Tower Royalty is coming home! Roy has been living in South Australia with Sam Larrett since he was 16 months old. Sam has loved and shown Roy, and in his short saddle career has won at numerous big shows many Newcomers and Rising Star awards. What makes Roy`s return home even more special is his dam is our daughter’s pony `Torrensway Momento` by Syon Royal Portrait. So, even though Milly will be retired to our broodmare paddock, Milly still competes on with our daughter and Royalty!

Royalty is just over 14.1hh and Registered Riding Pony.

The biggest `thank you` to Sam for allowing Roy to return home

Torrensway Momento (Syon Royal Portrait) will go in foal to Victoria Tower Wishlist, foal to mature large pony.

Luciano Novelletto