Horse Breeding

Lola the chatty foal - What a cutie @Bayfield Stud

Lola the chatty foal - What a cutie @Bayfield Stud

Oh how adorable just want to give that baby lots of kisses, meet Lola the chatty foal bred at Bayfield Stud, a British dressage stud farm located in Surrey. Lola is sired by Le Vivaldi
Lola the chatty foal
It`s LOLA 🌟🌟🌟💖💖💖💖🎉🎉🎉🎉 LOVEHEART aka Lola the Chatty foal! Bay Oldenburg mare (Premium Foal). Le Vivaldi x Rhodium x Clavecimbel. Out of the half sister of Grey Flanell LOVEHEART

Lola the chatty foal - What a cutie @Bayfield Stud