Janni Hallberg
Janni Hallberg - Sweden
Myth 2: You saddle a horse, step into the saddle, and ride the bucking bronco until he quits.
I`ve never let a horse buck. There`s no reason to. First of all, they don`t know how and they learn by doing. Secondly, there`s no reason to terrorize the animal. Thirdly, my bones are too brittle for all of that exercise. Training a horse is no different then training any other animal. You wouldn`t terrorize a dog in training so why terrorize a horse. My experience in dealing with thousands of horses is that they want to be as big a pet as your dog.
Myth 2: You saddle a horse, step into the saddle, and ride the bucking bronco until he quits.
I`ve never let a horse buck. There`s no reason to. First of all, they don`t know how and they learn by doing. Secondly, there`s no reason to terrorize the animal. Thirdly, my bones are too brittle for all of that exercise. Training a horse is no different then training any other animal. You wouldn`t terrorize a dog in training so why terrorize a horse. My experience in dealing with thousands of horses is that they want to be as big a pet as your dog.