Jan Tops
An international showjumper Jan Tops was born the 5th April 1961 and has been one of the most influential Dutch rider`s of all time representing Holland at many major equestrian championships. In 1992 Jan Tops was a member of the gold medal winning team for the Netherlands at the Barcelona Olympics riding the horse Top Gun. All in Jan Top would represent Holland at four Olympic games from 1988, he would also represent Holland at the European championships winning a team gold medal in La Baule, a team silver medal in 1997 in Mannheim and a team bronze at the 1999 European championships at Hickstead.
As well as being a top showjumping rider Jan Tops is also well know as one of Europe`s leading horse dealer`s and trainers. In 2006 Jan Tops would be a founder of the Global Champions Tour tat would be a series of some of the largest showjumping shows ever, offering increased exposure for the sport and an increase in prize money for the competitors from more sponsor`s getting involved in the sport.
In 2011 Jan Tops would marry Edwina Alexander a leading showjumping rider from Australia.
Watch videos of Jan Tops in action riding some of his most famous horse from throughout the years, click the image below to watch the video.
As well as an impressive show jumping record Jan Tops is a successful business man he has successfully built himself up to become one of the largest horse dealers in the world selling horses around the world . Jan Tops initiated the Global Champions Tour in 2006. The equestrian sport was in need of a positive impulse, and by founding this world class renown tour, the media attention was increased as well as the prize money. Presenting sponsors CN and CN WorldWide have been with the GCT since the beginning, as well as media partner Eurosport who broadcasts the Global Champions Tour legs in 59 countries. Rolex has become the official timepiece since 2008. The legs of 2008 took place in Doha (QAT), Hamburg (GER), Cannes (FRA), Monte-Carlo (MON), Estoril (POR), Valkenswaard (NED), Arezzo (ITA), and Sao Paulo (BRA).
Almea, Belsedence d`Amaury, Chinampa ASK, Doreen La Silla (DISKUS), Elisea La Silla (sired by Polydor), Espoir Landais (sired by Quouglof Rouge), Four Seasons (ex Aladin de Blondel) sired by Paladin des Ifs, Furist III, Grande Dame (sired by Grannus), Jux, Lynn (Ferro x Zeus), Montemorelos la Silla (Calypso IIx Graphit), Monterrey La Silla, Olgetta (Little Madam), Operette La Silla (Caletto IIx Raimond), Roofs (Caletto I x Fra Diavolo), Sonora La Silla (Polydor x Aladin), Top Gun (Grannus x Winnetou)
12 - Bordeaux, G.P.W Two rounds - jo - 01/01/2005 - Grande Dame
19 - `S-Hertogenbosch, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Grande Dame
28 - Hamburg, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Grande Dame
08 - Cannes, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Grande Dame
01 - Cannes, 1.50 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Grande Dame
30 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Grande Dame
03 - Neuendorf, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Grande Dame
08 - Vigo, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Grande Dame
20 - Aach, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2005 - Grande Dame
27 - , Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Grande Dame
28 - , King Cup Two rounds - 01/01/2005 - Grande Dame
10 - , 1.50 Against the clock - 01/01/2005 - Grande Dame
26 - Lipica (SLO), G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2004 - Roofs
09 - Lipica (SLO), 1.50 Against the clock - 01/01/2004 - Roofs
28 - Paris Bercy, World Cup Qualifier - 01/01/2004 - Roofs
06 - La Coruña, 1.45 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
21 - La Coruña, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
28 - Lucerna CSIO, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
01 - Lucerna CSIO, Nations Cup Team comp. - jo - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
06 - , Nations Cup Team comp. - jo - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
26 - , Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
43 - Chantilly *** CSI, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
21 - Aach, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
09 - Kualar Lumpar, 1.40 Two phases - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
04 - Kualar Lumpar, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
03 - Kualar Lumpar, 1.55 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
10 - Verona, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
16 - Verona, 1.50 Against the clock - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
31 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix Two rounds - jo - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
34 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
19 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
08 - `S-Hertogenbosch, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2004 - Roofs
16 - Bordeaux, G.P.W Two rounds - jo - 01/01/2004 - Roofs
26 - Bordeaux, Grand Prix - 01/01/2004 - Roofs
07 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup Team comp. - jo - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
05 - Amsterdam, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2004 - Roofs
30 - Geneva, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
04 - Rotterdam, Sita Prijs - 30/08/2003 - Roofs
01 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup - 29/08/2003 - Grande Dame
04 - Royal International Horse Show - Hickstead, Nations Cup - 28/07/2003 - Grande Dame
03 - Royal International Horse Show - Hickstead, The Virtual Village Grand Prix - 24/07/2003 - Roofs
06 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 20/06/2003 - Roofs
07 - Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen-Preis - 19/06/2003 - Grande Dame
26 - World Cup Final, World Cup Final - 24/04/2003 - Grande Dame
01 - Bordeaux, World Cup Qualifier - 07/02/2003 - Grande Dame
9 - Zurich, Mercedes Masters - 04/02/2003 - Grande Dame
5 - Zurich, Liebherr Prize - 31/01/2003 - Roofs
05 - Zurich, 1.50 Two phases - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
09 - Zurich, 1.50 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Grande Dame
21 - Zurich, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2003 - Grande Dame
03 - `S-Hertogenbosch, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Grande Dame
04 - `S-Hertogenbosch, 1.50 Against the clock - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
20 - Bordeaux, Grand Prix - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
27 - Dortmund, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Grande Dame
02 - Dortmund, 1.50 Winning round - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
01 - Bordeaux, G.P.W Two rounds - jo - 01/01/2003 - Grande Dame
04 - Royal International Horse Show - Hickstead, Nations Cup Team comp. - jo - 01/01/2003 - Grande Dame
03 - Royal International Horse Show - Hickstead, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
05 - Cannes, 1.50 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
06 - Valkenswaard, 1.40 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Espoir Landais
03 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
60 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Grande Dame
27 - Hamburg, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
11 - Cannes, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Grande Dame
01 - Olympia International Horse Show, 1.60 Against the clock - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
13 - Olympia International Horse Show, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
05 - Olympia International Horse Show, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
07 - Valkenswaard, 1.45 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Espoir Landais
04 - Rotterdam, 1.50 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
01 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup Team comp. - jo - 01/01/2003 - Grande Dame
10 - Rotterdam, 1.45 Against the clock - 01/01/2003 - Grande Dame
12 - Rotterdam, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
02 - Maastricht, 1.50 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
14 - Maastricht, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
17 - Aachen, Grand Prix Two rounds - jo - 01/01/2003 - Grande Dame
07 - Aachen, 1.50 Two rounds - jo - 01/01/2003 - Grande Dame
07 - Barcelona, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
07 - Barcelona, Samsung NC Final Team comp. - jo - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
08 - Barcelona, 1.40 Two phases - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
32 - Aachen, Prix Europa Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
06 - Aachen, Nations Cup Team comp. - jo - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
20 - Balve, Grand Prix Winning round - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
25 - Kualar Lumpar, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
08 - Kualar Lumpar, 1.45 Against the clock - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
13 - Hachenburg, Grand Prix Winning round - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
10 - Hachenburg, 1.45 Against the clock - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
08 - Aach, Grand Prix A Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
05 - Paris-Porte de Versailles, Grand Prix - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
16 - Lipica (SLO), G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Grande Dame
21 - Las Vegas ***** CSI, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Grande Dame
02 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup - 28/08/2002 - Roofs
05 - Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen-Preis - 27/06/2002 - Roofs
05 - World Equestrian Games, Team - 01/06/2002 - Roofs
27 - World Equestrian Games, Individual - 01/06/2002 - Roofs
21 - World Cup Final, World Cup Final - 24/04/2002 - Grande Dame
07 - Bordeaux, Grand Prix Du Jumping International De Bordeau - 09/02/2002 - Roofs
03 - Bordeaux, Grand Prix Coupe Du Monde FEI - 09/02/2002 - Grande Dame
08 - Bordeaux, World Cup Preliminary Round - 08/02/2002 - Roofs
03 - Bordeaux, G.P.W Two rounds - jo - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
08 - Bordeaux, 1.50 Against the clock - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
07 - Bordeaux, Grand Prix - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
19 - `S-Hertogenbosch, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
03 - Zurich, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
08 - Zurich, 1.50 Two phases - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
02 - Zurich, 1.50 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
02 - Cannes, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
09 - Cannes, 1.50 Against the clock - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
11 - Wiesbaden, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
27 - Göteborg, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
03 - Göteborg, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
33 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
23 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
10 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix Two rounds - jo - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
10 - Cannes, 1.40 Against the clock - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
19 - Olympia International Horse Show, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
16 - Geneva, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
02 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup Team comp. - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
17 - Maastricht, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
04 - Oslo, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
04 - Oslo, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
14 - Helsinki, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
33 - Aachen, Grand Prix Two rounds - jo - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
05 - Aachen, 1.50 Two rounds - jo - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
09 - Aachen, Nations Cup Team comp. - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
33 - Aachen, Prix Europa Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
19 - Paris-Porte de Versailles, Grand Prix - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
10 - Aach, 1.40 Two phases - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
31 - Aach, Grand Prix A Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
07 - Verona, 1.50 Against the clock - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
14 - Verona, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
02 - Lipica (SLO), Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
13 - Paris Bercy, World Cup Qualifier - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
06 - Paris Bercy, Grand Prix - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
2 - Amsterdam, World Cup Qualifier - 16/12/2001 - Grande Dame
11 - Amsterdam, World Cup Preliminary Round - 13/12/2001 - Roofs
02 - Berlin, Berlin Grand Prix - 25/11/2001 - Roofs
04 - Berlin, Championat Von Berlin - 23/11/2001 - Roofs
4 - Oslo, Oslo Grand Prix - 14/10/2001 - Grande Dame
3 - Oslo, World Cup Qualifier - 13/10/2001 - Roofs
5 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup - 02/09/2001 - Grande Dame
05 - Rotterdam, Bouw En Infraconcern Dura Vermeer Groep Prijs - 27/08/2001 - Roofs
57 - European Championships, Individual - 23/08/2001 - Roofs
04 - European Championships, Team - 23/08/2001 - Roofs
03 - Aachen, Masters - 12/06/2001 - Grande Dame
04 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 12/06/2001 - Roofs
03 - Paris Bercy, Grand Prix - 04/03/2001 - Roofs
09 - Paris Bercy, World Cup Qualifier - 03/03/2001 - Roofs
08 - Paris Bercy, POPB 1.45 Against the clock - 02/03/2001 - Grande Dame
09 - Bordeaux, Prix Paris Turf - Table C - 10/02/2001 - Roofs
09 - Bordeaux, Grand Prix - 10/02/2001 - Roofs
09 - Bordeaux, Grand Prix - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
09 - Bordeaux, 1.40 Against the clock - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
18 - Bordeaux, G.P.W Two rounds - jo - 01/01/2001 - Grande Dame
17 - Zurich, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
05 - Zurich, Two phases - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
31 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix Two rounds - jo - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
18 - Göteborg, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Grande Dame
05 - Zurich, Master Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Grande Dame
03 - Cannes, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
02 - Amsterdam, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Grande Dame
04 - Berlin, 1.55 Winning round - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
02 - Berlin, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
08 - Geneva, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
09 - Geneva, 1.55 Against the clock - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
04 - Geneva, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Grande Dame
05 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup Team comp. - 01/01/2001 - Grande Dame
35 - Rotterdam, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
05 - Rotterdam, 1.50 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
05 - Helsinki, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Grande Dame
02 - Helsinki, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
07 - Oslo, 1.60 Against the clock - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
03 - Oslo, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
04 - Oslo, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Grande Dame
03 - Paris Bercy, Grand Prix - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
09 - Paris Bercy, World Cup Qualifier - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
04 - La Courneuve *** CSI, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Grande Dame
03 - Aachen, 1.50 Two rounds - jo - 01/01/2001 - Grande Dame
04 - Aachen, Nations Cup Team comp. - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
04 - Donaueschingen, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
04 - Verona, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Grande Dame
08 - Paris Bercy, 1.45 Against the clock - 01/01/2001 - Grande Dame
04 - Paris-Porte de Versailles, 1.50 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
26 - Aach, Grand Prix A Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
04 - Paris-Porte de Versailles, Grand Prix - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
07 - Donaueschingen, 1.50 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
13 - Hachenburg, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
03 - Hachenburg, 1.50 Two rounds - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
1 - Oslo, World Cup Qualifier - 24/10/2000 - Grande Dame
47 - Olympics, Individual - 29/07/2000 - Grande Dame
05 - Olympics, Team - 27/07/2000 - Roofs
05 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 14/07/2000 - Roofs
04 - Aachen, Masters - 14/07/2000 - Operette La Silla
7 - `S-Hertogenbosch, `s Hertogenbosch Grand Prix - 26/03/2000 - Roofs
07 - `S-Hertogenbosch, Grand Prix - 01/01/2000 - Roofs
07 - Bologna, 1.50 Against the clock - 01/01/2000 - Grande Dame
14 - Cannes, Grand Prix - 01/01/2000 - Operette La Silla
05 - Wiesbaden, Grand Prix - 01/01/2000 - Operette La Silla
05 - Göteborg, G.P.W - 01/01/2000 - Roofs
04 - Göteborg, Accumulator - 01/01/2000 - Grande Dame
01 - Oslo, G.P.W - 01/01/2000 - Grande Dame
07 - Olympia International Horse Show, Grand Prix - 01/01/2000 - Roofs
02 - Olympia International Horse Show, Mixed comp. - 01/01/2000 - Grande Dame
13 - Arnhem, Grand Prix - 01/01/2000 - Roofs
11 - Aachen, Prix Europa - 01/01/2000 - Roofs
05 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 01/01/2000 - Roofs
04 - Aachen, Mixed comp. - 01/01/2000 - Operette La Silla
07 - Donaueschingen, Grand Prix - 01/01/2000 - Operette La Silla
04 - Geesteren, Mixed comp. - 01/01/2000 - Roofs
03 - Cervia, Mixed comp. - 01/01/2000 - Lynn
06 - Cervia, Grand Prix - 01/01/2000 - Roofs
05 - Grenoble CSI, Grand Prix - 01/01/2000 - Roofs
31 - Spruce Meadows, Du Maurier Grand Prix - 12/09/1999 - Operette La Silla
2 - Spruce Meadows, Nations Cup - 03/09/1999 - Operette La Silla
03 - European Championships, Team - 29/08/1999 - Montemorelos la Silla
20 - European Championships, Team - 23/08/1999 - Montemorelos la Silla
2 - Rotterdam, Rotterdam Grand Prix - 21/08/1999 - Operette La Silla
1 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup - 19/08/1999 - Operette La Silla
6 - Valkenswaard, Valkensward Grand Prix - 13/08/1999 - Montemorelos la Silla
1 - Dublin, Nations Cup - 04/08/1999 - Montemorelos la Silla
01 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup - 22/07/1999 - Operette La Silla
6 - Geesteren, Grand Prix - 17/07/1999 - Operette La Silla
30 - Aachen, Grand Prix - 20/06/1999 - Montemorelos la Silla
09 - La Baule, La Baule Grand Prix - 06/05/1999 - Operette La Silla
06 - Grenoble CSI, Grand Prix - 06/03/1999 - Top Gun
02 - Bologna, World Cup Qualifier - 28/02/1999 - Belsedence d`Amaury
07 - Bordeaux, World Cup Qualifier - 12/02/1999 - Belsedence d`Amaury
02 - Bologna, World Cup Qualifier - 11/02/1999 - Belsedence d`Amaury
02 - Bologna, World Cup Qualifier - 01/01/1999 - Belsedence d`Amaury
07 - Bordeaux, G.P.W - 01/01/1999 - Belsedence d`Amaury
03 - Bordeaux, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1999 - Belsedence d`Amaury
04 - Zurich, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1999 - Operette La Silla
14 - Dortmund, G.P.W - 01/01/1999 - Operette La Silla
06 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix - 01/01/1999 - Montemorelos la Silla
02 - Rotterdam, Grand Prix - 01/01/1999 - Operette La Silla
01 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup - 01/01/1999 - Operette La Silla
08 - Berlin, Grand Prix - 01/01/1999 - Operette La Silla
05 - Stuttgart, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1999 - Belsedence d`Amaury
02 - Calgary **** CSI, Nations Cup - 01/01/1999 - Operette La Silla
06 - Grenoble CSI, Grand Prix - 01/01/1999 - Top Gun
09 - , Grand Prix - 01/01/1999 - Operette La Silla
07 - , Nations Cup - 01/01/1999 - Belsedence d`Amaury
30 - Aachen, Grand Prix Two rounds - jo - 01/01/1999 - Montemorelos la Silla
10 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 01/01/1999 - Operette La Silla
10 - Aachen, Prix Europa - 01/01/1999 - Operette La Silla
01 - Dublin, Nations Cup - 01/01/1999 - Montemorelos la Silla
02 - Dublin, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1999 - Operette La Silla
02 - Monterry, Speed and handiness - 01/01/1999 - Belsedence d`Amaury
02 - Toronto, World Cup Qualifier - 14/11/1998 - Operette La Silla
03 - New York, World Cup Qualifier - 05/11/1998 - Operette La Silla
09 - Rotterdam, Rotterdam Grand Prix - 21/08/1998 - Top Gun
09 - Rotterdam, Rotterdam Grand Prix - 21/08/1998 - Top Gun
4 - Aachen, Prize of Licher Privatbrauerei - 15/08/1998 - Montemorelos la Silla
7 - Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen-Preis - 13/08/1998 -
4 - Aachen, Prize of EXPO - 12/08/1998 - Operette La Silla
17 - Aachen, Prize of Aachener - 11/08/1998 - Montemorelos la Silla
34 - Aachen, Lambertz-Prize - 11/08/1998 - Operette La Silla
05 - Aachen, Grand Prix - 24/07/1998 - Operette La Silla
04 - Aachen, Preis von Europa - 23/07/1998 - Operette La Silla
15 - Geesteren, Grand Prix - 17/07/1998 - Operette La Silla
5 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 14/07/1998 - Operette La Silla
05 - The Royal Show, Falsterbo Grand Prix - 14/07/1998 - Montemorelos la Silla
32 - World Equestrian Games, Individual - 01/06/1998 - Montemorelos la Silla
06 - World Equestrian Games, Team - 01/06/1998 - Montemorelos la Silla
02 - La Baule, Nations Cup - 06/05/1998 - Operette La Silla
09 - Wiesbaden, Grand Prix - 01/01/1998 - Operette La Silla
01 - `S-Hertogenbosch, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1998 - Chinampa ASK
01 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup - 01/01/1998 - Montemorelos la Silla
05 - Rotterdam, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1998 - Top Gun
09 - Rotterdam, Grand Prix - 01/01/1998 - Top Gun
03 - Maastricht, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1998 - Belsedence d`Amaury
04 - Aachen, Prix Europa - 01/01/1998 - Operette La Silla
05 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 01/01/1998 - Operette La Silla
05 - Aachen, Grand Prix - 01/01/1998 - Operette La Silla
04 - Aachen, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1998 - Montemorelos la Silla
15 - Geesteren, Grand Prix - 01/01/1998 - Operette La Silla
05 - Hannover, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1998 - Sonora La Silla
02 - Toronto, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1998 - Operette La Silla
02 - Toronto, G.P.W - 01/01/1998 - Operette La Silla
03 - New York, G.P.W - 01/01/1998 - Operette La Silla
02 - Donaueschingen, Samsung NC Final - 01/01/1998 - Montemorelos la Silla
02 - , Nations Cup - 01/01/1998 - Operette La Silla
05 - La Courneuve *** CSI, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1998 - Elisea La Silla
05 - , Grand Prix - 01/01/1998 - Operette La Silla
06 - Paris Bercy, World Cup Qualifier - 01/01/1998 - Sonora La Silla
05 - Calgary **** CSI, Nations Cup - 01/01/1998 - Top Gun
12 - Calgary **** CSI, Grand Prix - 01/01/1998 - Operette La Silla
01 - Falsterbo, Nations Cup - 01/01/1998 - Montemorelos la Silla
05 - Falsterbo, Grand Prix - 01/01/1998 - Montemorelos la Silla
05 - Geneva, World Cup Qualifier - 07/12/1997 - Operette La Silla
19 - European Championships, Team - 23/08/1997 - Top Gun
02 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup - 19/08/1997 - Operette La Silla
01 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 08/07/1997 - Operette La Silla
02 - Rome, Nations Cup - 29/05/1997 - Operette La Silla
03 - Hamburg, 1.50m Open - 24/05/1997 - Operette La Silla
01 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix - 01/01/1997 - Top Gun
03 - Zurich, Grand Prix - 01/01/1997 - Top Gun
06 - `S-Hertogenbosch, Grand Prix - 01/01/1997 - Sonora La Silla
01 - Bordeaux, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1997 - Operette La Silla
10 - Bordeaux, G.P.W - 01/01/1997 - Sonora La Silla
02 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup - 01/01/1997 - Operette La Silla
04 - Rotterdam, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1997 - Operette La Silla
05 - Valkenswaard, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1997 - Top Gun
05 - Geneva, G.P.W - 01/01/1997 - Operette La Silla
09 - Geneva, Grand Prix - 01/01/1997 - Operette La Silla
05 - Millstreet, Grand Prix - 01/01/1997 - Chinampa ASK
05 - Millstreet, G.P.W - 01/01/1997 - Chinampa ASK
01 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 01/01/1997 - Operette La Silla
12 - Aachen, Grand Prix - 01/01/1997 - Top Gun
07 - San Gallo, Nations Cup - 01/01/1997 - Sonora La Silla
03 - Paris Bercy, 1.45 Against the clock - 01/01/1997 - Sonora La Silla
15 - Hannover, Grand Prix - 01/01/1997 - Sonora La Silla
03 - Dublin, Grand Prix - 01/01/1997 - Operette La Silla
02 - Dublin, Nations Cup - 01/01/1997 - Operette La Silla
01 - Calgary **** CSI, Samsung NC Final - 01/01/1997 - Operette La Silla
04 - Falsterbo, Nations Cup - 01/01/1997 - Sonora La Silla
03 - Oviedo CSI, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1997 - Operette La Silla
05 - Oviedo CSI, Against the clock - 01/01/1997 - Four Seasons (ex Aladin de Blondel)
05 - Oviedo CSI, Grand Prix - 01/01/1997 - Operette La Silla
03 - Modena CSI, Nations Cup - 01/01/1997 - Sonora La Silla
05 - Modena CSI, Against the clock - 01/01/1997 - Almea
03 - Modena CSI, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1997 - Sonora La Silla
11 - Paris Bercy, World Cup Qualifier - 01/01/1997 - Operette La Silla
07 - , Grand Prix - 01/01/1997 - Chinampa ASK
03 - , G.P.W - 01/01/1997 - Operette La Silla
02 - , Nations Cup - 01/01/1997 - Operette La Silla
02 - , Mixed comp. - 01/01/1997 - Sonora La Silla
6 - Maastricht, Maastricht Grand Prix - 26/11/1996 - Top Gun
07 - Oberanven, Grand Prix - 27/08/1996 - Operette La Silla
01 - Oberanven, Grand Prix - 26/08/1996 - Operette La Silla
08 - Monterry, Grand Prix - 17/08/1996 - Top Gun
07 - Olympics, Individual - 29/07/1996 - Top Gun
07 - Olympics, Team - 28/07/1996 - Top Gun
05 - , - 27/07/1996 - Top Gun
09 - Valkenswaard, Valkensward Grand Prix - 12/07/1996 - Top Gun
04 - Aachen, Grand Prix - 19/06/1996 - Top Gun
12 - Aachen, Grand Prix - 17/06/1996 - Top Gun
4 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 11/06/1996 - Operette La Silla
5 - La Baule, Nations Cup - 06/05/1996 - Four Seasons (ex Aladin de Blondel)
1 - Göteborg, World Cup Qualifier - 08/04/1996 - Sonora La Silla
04 - Bologna, Coppa Banca Naz. dell`Agricoltura - 23/02/1996 - Monterrey La Silla
04 - Bologna, Against the clock - 01/01/1996 - Jux
06 - Bologna, World Cup Qualifier - 01/01/1996 - Sonora La Silla
03 - Paris, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1996 - Four Seasons (ex Aladin de Blondel)
04 - Paris, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Top Gun
05 - Paris, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Operette La Silla
02 - Paris, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Sonora La Silla
05 - `S-Hertogenbosch, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Sonora La Silla
07 - Dortmund, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Operette La Silla
04 - `S-Hertogenbosch, Against the clock - 01/01/1996 - Top Gun
01 - `S-Hertogenbosch, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1996 - Top Gun
05 - Göteborg, Speed and handiness - 01/01/1996 - Jux
06 - Göteborg, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Sonora La Silla
01 - Göteborg, G.P.W - 01/01/1996 - Sonora La Silla
01 - Eindhoven, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Sonora La Silla
15 - Wiesbaden, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Operette La Silla
03 - Moorsele, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Operette La Silla
09 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Top Gun
04 - Millstreet, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Sonora La Silla
03 - Berlin, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1996 - Operette La Silla
10 - Geneva, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Sonora La Silla
05 - Amsterdam, Accumulator - 01/01/1996 - Almea
09 - Geneva, G.P.W - 01/01/1996 - Top Gun
04 - Maastricht, Speed and handiness - 01/01/1996 - Almea
05 - Maastricht, Top score - 01/01/1996 - Sonora La Silla
06 - Maastricht, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Top Gun
02 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup - 01/01/1996 - Operette La Silla
14 - Oslo, G.P.W - 01/01/1996 - Sonora La Silla
01 - Rotterdam, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1996 - Sonora La Silla
04 - Aachen, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Top Gun
05 - Aachen, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1996 - Sonora La Silla
04 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 01/01/1996 - Operette La Silla
04 - Arnhem, Two phases - 01/01/1996 - Almea
02 - Arnhem, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Sonora La Silla
08 - Monterry, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Top Gun
07 - Oberanven, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Operette La Silla
09 - San Gallo, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Operette La Silla
07 - San Gallo, Nations Cup - 01/01/1996 - Operette La Silla
03 - Paris-Porte de Versailles, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1996 - Operette La Silla
05 - , Nations Cup - 01/01/1996 - Four Seasons (ex Aladin de Blondel)
01 - Oberanven, Nations Cup - 01/01/1996 - Operette La Silla
06 - , Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Sonora La Silla
05 - Calgary **** CSI, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1996 - Operette La Silla
02 - Calgary **** CSI, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1996 - Top Gun
03 - Calgary **** CSI, Nations Cup - 01/01/1996 - Operette La Silla
06 - European Championships, Team - 23/08/1995 - Top Gun
04 - European Championships, Individual - 23/08/1995 - Top Gun
3 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 14/06/1995 - Operette La Silla
1 - World Cup Final, World Cup - 3rd Leg - 24/04/1995 - Top Gun
3 - Dortmund, World Cup Qualifier - 08/04/1995 - Sonora La Silla
3 - Dortmund, Dortmund Grand Prix - 07/04/1995 - Sonora La Silla
14 - `S-Hertogenbosch, World Cup Qualifier - 18/03/1995 - Top Gun
1 - Bologna, World Cup Qualifier - 23/02/1995 - Top Gun
01 - Bologna, World Cup Qualifier - 01/01/1995 - Top Gun
04 - Bologna, Against the clock - 01/01/1995 - Jux
03 - Dortmund, Grand Prix - 01/01/1995 - Sonora La Silla
03 - Dortmund, G.P.W - 01/01/1995 - Sonora La Silla
14 - `S-Hertogenbosch, G.P.W - 01/01/1995 - Top Gun
05 - Göteborg, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1995 - Sonora La Silla
01 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix - 01/01/1995 - Top Gun
06 - Moorsele, Grand Prix - 01/01/1995 - Sonora La Silla
05 - Cannes, Grand Prix - 01/01/1995 - Operette La Silla
05 - Cannes, Two phases - 01/01/1995 - Operette La Silla
10 - Göteborg, Grand Prix - 01/01/1995 - Operette La Silla
01 - Göteborg, Grand Prix - 01/01/1995 - Sonora La Silla
02 - Eindhoven, Two phases - 01/01/1995 - Jux
02 - Eindhoven, Accumulator - 01/01/1995 - Jux
03 - Eindhoven, Grand Prix - 01/01/1995 - Sonora La Silla
03 - Olympia International Horse Show, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1995 - Operette La Silla
05 - Olympia International Horse Show, G.P.W - 01/01/1995 - Top Gun
02 - Amsterdam, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1995 - Operette La Silla
02 - Olympia International Horse Show, Knock-out - 01/01/1995 - Jux
02 - Maastricht, Grand Prix - 01/01/1995 - Top Gun
02 - Stuttgart, Against the clock - 01/01/1995 - Jux
06 - Amsterdam, Grand Prix - 01/01/1995 - Operette La Silla
05 - Rotterdam, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1995 - Operette La Silla
05 - Valkenswaard, Against the clock - 01/01/1995 - Sonora La Silla
02 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup - 01/01/1995 - Operette La Silla
01 - Maastricht, Against the clock - 01/01/1995 - Jux
02 - Maastricht, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1995 - Sonora La Silla
02 - Maastricht, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1995 - Top Gun
09 - Aachen, Grand Prix - 01/01/1995 - Top Gun
02 - Aachen, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1995 - Top Gun
03 - Arnhem, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1995 - Sonora La Silla
03 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 01/01/1995 - Operette La Silla
01 - Monte Carlo, Knock-out - 01/01/1995 - Jux
01 - Oberanven, Nations Cup - 01/01/1995 - Operette La Silla
02 - Monterry, G.P.W - 01/01/1995 - Top Gun
03 - Monterry, Grand Prix - 01/01/1995 - Top Gun
06 - Calgary **** CSI, Nations Cup - 01/01/1995 - Operette La Silla
13 - Calgary **** CSI, Grand Prix - 01/01/1995 - Operette La Silla
03 - , G.P.W - 01/01/1995 - Top Gun
03 - , Speed and handiness - 01/01/1995 - Top Gun
1 - Olympia International Horse Show, World Cup Qualifier - 15/12/1994 - Sonora La Silla
11 - Frankfurt, Grand Prix - 09/12/1994 - Top Gun
2 - Maastricht, Maastricht Grand Prix - 27/11/1994 - Sonora La Silla
10 - Oslo, Oslo Grand Prix - 24/10/1994 - Sonora La Silla
08 - World Equestrian Games, Team - 01/06/1994 - Top Gun
32 - World Equestrian Games, Individual - 01/06/1994 - Top Gun
02 - Olympia International Horse Show, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1994 - Operette La Silla
04 - Olympia International Horse Show, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1994 - Operette La Silla
04 - Olympia International Horse Show, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1994 - Operette La Silla
01 - Olympia International Horse Show, G.P.W - 01/01/1994 - Sonora La Silla
03 - Olympia International Horse Show, Grand Prix - 01/01/1994 - Sonora La Silla
01 - Berlin, Knock Out - 01/01/1994 - Jux
03 - Berlin, Grand Prix - 01/01/1994 - Top Gun
04 - Amsterdam, G.P.W - 01/01/1994 - Top Gun
02 - Amsterdam, Against the clock - 01/01/1994 - Jux
02 - Amsterdam, Against the clock - 01/01/1994 - Jux
01 - Maastricht, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1994 - Sonora La Silla
02 - Maastricht, Grand Prix - 01/01/1994 - Sonora La Silla
07 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix - 01/01/1994 - Top Gun
11 - Frankfurt, Grand Prix - 01/01/1994 - Top Gun
05 - Frankfurt, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1994 - Top Gun
02 - Frankfurt, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1994 - Top Gun
04 - Arnhem, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1994 - Sonora La Silla
05 - Monterry, G.P.W - 01/01/1994 - Top Gun
04 - Paris-Porte de Versailles, Grand Prix - 01/01/1994 - Top Gun
02 - Paris-Porte de Versailles, Two phases - 01/01/1994 - Sonora La Silla
04 - Paris-Porte de Versailles, Against the clock - 01/01/1994 - Sonora La Silla
01 - Paris-Porte de Versailles, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1994 - Top Gun
02 - Geesteren, Accumulator - 01/01/1994 - Sonora La Silla
02 - Lucerna CSIO, Nations Cup - 01/01/1994 - Abbeville La Silla
03 - , Two phases - 01/01/1994 - Sonora La Silla
02 - Liegi, Speed and handiness - 01/01/1994 - Jux
05 - Liegi, Two phases - 01/01/1994 - Jux
06 - Liegi, Grand Prix - 01/01/1994 - Operette La Silla
10 - , Grand Prix - 01/01/1994 - Sonora La Silla
7 - Cannes, Cannes Grand Prix - 14/06/1993 - Doreen La Silla
6 - Göteborg, Göteborg Grand Prix - 07/04/1993 - Abbeville La Silla
07 - Cannes, Grand Prix - 01/01/1993 - Doreen La Silla
06 - Göteborg, Grand Prix - 01/01/1993 - Abbeville La Silla
13 - Oslo, G.P.W - 01/01/1993 - Abbeville La Silla
02 - Amsterdam, G.P.W - 01/01/1993 - Top Gun
03 - San Gallo, Grand Prix - 01/01/1993 - Top Gun
1 - Oslo, World Cup Qualifier - 24/10/1992 - Abbeville La Silla
01 - Olympics, Team - 29/07/1992 - Top Gun
05 - Olympics, Individual - 29/07/1992 - Top Gun
05 - Olympics, Individual - 22/05/1992 - Top Gun
7 - Göteborg, World Cup Qualifier - 02/04/1992 - Abbeville La Silla
07 - Göteborg, G.P.W - 01/01/1992 - Abbeville La Silla
01 - Oslo, G.P.W - 01/01/1992 - Abbeville La Silla
03 - Amsterdam, G.P.W - 01/01/1992 - Abbeville La Silla
12 - Olympia International Horse Show, G.P.W - 01/01/1992 - Abbeville La Silla
04 - Guadalajara CSI, Grand Prix - 01/01/1992 - Abbeville La Silla
01 - European Championships, Team - 23/08/1991 - Top Gun
08 - European Championships, Individual - 23/08/1991 - Top Gun
16 - European Championships, Individual - 23/08/1989 - Doreen La Silla
04 - European Championships, Team - 23/08/1989 - Doreen La Silla
07 - Olympics, Individual - 29/07/1988 - Doreen La Silla
05 - Olympics, Team - 29/07/1988 - Doreen La Silla
03 - Aachen, Grand Prix - 22/07/1988 - Doreen La Silla
03 - Aachen, Grand Prix - 15/06/1988 - Doreen La Silla
07 - Olympics, Individual - 22/05/1988 - Doreen La Silla
03 - Aachen, Grand Prix - 01/01/1988 - Doreen La Silla
5 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup - 31/08/1985 - Furist III
05 - European Championships, Team - 23/08/1985 - Furist III
18 - European Championships, Individual - 23/08/1985 - Furist III
03 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 23/07/1985 - Furist III
03 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 01/01/1985 - Furist III
Chinampa was succesufully competed in the showjumping arena by both dutch showjumper Jan Tops and Danish showjumper Lars Pedersen, with both riders Chinampa had many excellent results.
Olgetta (Little Madam) - Glavius x Vazal, Olgetta is a KWPN mare born in 1973, along with her rider Jan Tops Olgetta had tremendous success in the equestrian sport of showjumping.
Elisea la Silla is a westfalian mare sired by the great stallion Polydor who is the farther of many proven showjumpers including Pozitano, Sunnora La Silla, Poor Boy, Paavo N amongst many others. Part of the La Silla stud team of fantastic show jumping
Born in 1985 Abbeville La Silla was competed by Dutch show jumper Jan Tops at grand prix level, victories include the world cup qualifier class in Oslo, Norway. Abbeville La Silla is sire Abantos is by the legendary thoroughbred Abgar XX
The Baloubet du Rouet son will be competed by Jan Tops wife Edwina Tops-Alexander.
As well as being a top showjumping rider Jan Tops is also well know as one of Europe`s leading horse dealer`s and trainers. In 2006 Jan Tops would be a founder of the Global Champions Tour tat would be a series of some of the largest showjumping shows ever, offering increased exposure for the sport and an increase in prize money for the competitors from more sponsor`s getting involved in the sport.
In 2011 Jan Tops would marry Edwina Alexander a leading showjumping rider from Australia.

Jan Tops
Johannes ("Jan") Augustinus Petrus Tops was born April 5, 1961 in Valkenswaard, Noord-Brabant is a leading Dutch rider for many years. Jan Tops competed at all the major show jumping championships and events in the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona, Spain riding Top Gun Jan Tops was a member of the dutch show jumping team who won the gold medal in the team jumping event. He did so alongside Piet Raymakers, Jos Lansink and Bert Romp. He competed in four consecutive Summer Olympics for the Netherlands, starting from 1988.As well as an impressive show jumping record Jan Tops is a successful business man he has successfully built himself up to become one of the largest horse dealers in the world selling horses around the world . Jan Tops initiated the Global Champions Tour in 2006. The equestrian sport was in need of a positive impulse, and by founding this world class renown tour, the media attention was increased as well as the prize money. Presenting sponsors CN and CN WorldWide have been with the GCT since the beginning, as well as media partner Eurosport who broadcasts the Global Champions Tour legs in 59 countries. Rolex has become the official timepiece since 2008. The legs of 2008 took place in Doha (QAT), Hamburg (GER), Cannes (FRA), Monte-Carlo (MON), Estoril (POR), Valkenswaard (NED), Arezzo (ITA), and Sao Paulo (BRA).
Jan Tops Horses
Abbeville La Silla (sired by Abantos)Almea, Belsedence d`Amaury, Chinampa ASK, Doreen La Silla (DISKUS), Elisea La Silla (sired by Polydor), Espoir Landais (sired by Quouglof Rouge), Four Seasons (ex Aladin de Blondel) sired by Paladin des Ifs, Furist III, Grande Dame (sired by Grannus), Jux, Lynn (Ferro x Zeus), Montemorelos la Silla (Calypso IIx Graphit), Monterrey La Silla, Olgetta (Little Madam), Operette La Silla (Caletto IIx Raimond), Roofs (Caletto I x Fra Diavolo), Sonora La Silla (Polydor x Aladin), Top Gun (Grannus x Winnetou)
Jan Tops Competition Results
07 - Bordeaux, 1.50 Against the clock - 01/01/2005 - Grande Dame12 - Bordeaux, G.P.W Two rounds - jo - 01/01/2005 - Grande Dame
19 - `S-Hertogenbosch, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Grande Dame
28 - Hamburg, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Grande Dame
08 - Cannes, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Grande Dame
01 - Cannes, 1.50 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Grande Dame
30 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Grande Dame
03 - Neuendorf, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Grande Dame
08 - Vigo, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Grande Dame
20 - Aach, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2005 - Grande Dame
27 - , Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Grande Dame
28 - , King Cup Two rounds - 01/01/2005 - Grande Dame
10 - , 1.50 Against the clock - 01/01/2005 - Grande Dame
26 - Lipica (SLO), G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2004 - Roofs
09 - Lipica (SLO), 1.50 Against the clock - 01/01/2004 - Roofs
28 - Paris Bercy, World Cup Qualifier - 01/01/2004 - Roofs
06 - La Coruña, 1.45 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
21 - La Coruña, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
28 - Lucerna CSIO, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
01 - Lucerna CSIO, Nations Cup Team comp. - jo - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
06 - , Nations Cup Team comp. - jo - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
26 - , Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
43 - Chantilly *** CSI, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
21 - Aach, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
09 - Kualar Lumpar, 1.40 Two phases - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
04 - Kualar Lumpar, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
03 - Kualar Lumpar, 1.55 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
10 - Verona, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
16 - Verona, 1.50 Against the clock - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
31 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix Two rounds - jo - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
34 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
19 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
08 - `S-Hertogenbosch, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2004 - Roofs
16 - Bordeaux, G.P.W Two rounds - jo - 01/01/2004 - Roofs
26 - Bordeaux, Grand Prix - 01/01/2004 - Roofs
07 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup Team comp. - jo - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
05 - Amsterdam, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2004 - Roofs
30 - Geneva, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2004 - Grande Dame
04 - Rotterdam, Sita Prijs - 30/08/2003 - Roofs
01 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup - 29/08/2003 - Grande Dame
04 - Royal International Horse Show - Hickstead, Nations Cup - 28/07/2003 - Grande Dame
03 - Royal International Horse Show - Hickstead, The Virtual Village Grand Prix - 24/07/2003 - Roofs
06 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 20/06/2003 - Roofs
07 - Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen-Preis - 19/06/2003 - Grande Dame
26 - World Cup Final, World Cup Final - 24/04/2003 - Grande Dame
01 - Bordeaux, World Cup Qualifier - 07/02/2003 - Grande Dame
9 - Zurich, Mercedes Masters - 04/02/2003 - Grande Dame
5 - Zurich, Liebherr Prize - 31/01/2003 - Roofs
05 - Zurich, 1.50 Two phases - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
09 - Zurich, 1.50 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Grande Dame
21 - Zurich, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2003 - Grande Dame
03 - `S-Hertogenbosch, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Grande Dame
04 - `S-Hertogenbosch, 1.50 Against the clock - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
20 - Bordeaux, Grand Prix - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
27 - Dortmund, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Grande Dame
02 - Dortmund, 1.50 Winning round - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
01 - Bordeaux, G.P.W Two rounds - jo - 01/01/2003 - Grande Dame
04 - Royal International Horse Show - Hickstead, Nations Cup Team comp. - jo - 01/01/2003 - Grande Dame
03 - Royal International Horse Show - Hickstead, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
05 - Cannes, 1.50 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
06 - Valkenswaard, 1.40 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Espoir Landais
03 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
60 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Grande Dame
27 - Hamburg, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
11 - Cannes, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Grande Dame
01 - Olympia International Horse Show, 1.60 Against the clock - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
13 - Olympia International Horse Show, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
05 - Olympia International Horse Show, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
07 - Valkenswaard, 1.45 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Espoir Landais
04 - Rotterdam, 1.50 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
01 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup Team comp. - jo - 01/01/2003 - Grande Dame
10 - Rotterdam, 1.45 Against the clock - 01/01/2003 - Grande Dame
12 - Rotterdam, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
02 - Maastricht, 1.50 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
14 - Maastricht, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
17 - Aachen, Grand Prix Two rounds - jo - 01/01/2003 - Grande Dame
07 - Aachen, 1.50 Two rounds - jo - 01/01/2003 - Grande Dame
07 - Barcelona, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
07 - Barcelona, Samsung NC Final Team comp. - jo - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
08 - Barcelona, 1.40 Two phases - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
32 - Aachen, Prix Europa Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
06 - Aachen, Nations Cup Team comp. - jo - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
20 - Balve, Grand Prix Winning round - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
25 - Kualar Lumpar, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
08 - Kualar Lumpar, 1.45 Against the clock - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
13 - Hachenburg, Grand Prix Winning round - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
10 - Hachenburg, 1.45 Against the clock - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
08 - Aach, Grand Prix A Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
05 - Paris-Porte de Versailles, Grand Prix - 01/01/2003 - Roofs
16 - Lipica (SLO), G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Grande Dame
21 - Las Vegas ***** CSI, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2003 - Grande Dame
02 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup - 28/08/2002 - Roofs
05 - Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen-Preis - 27/06/2002 - Roofs
05 - World Equestrian Games, Team - 01/06/2002 - Roofs
27 - World Equestrian Games, Individual - 01/06/2002 - Roofs
21 - World Cup Final, World Cup Final - 24/04/2002 - Grande Dame
07 - Bordeaux, Grand Prix Du Jumping International De Bordeau - 09/02/2002 - Roofs
03 - Bordeaux, Grand Prix Coupe Du Monde FEI - 09/02/2002 - Grande Dame
08 - Bordeaux, World Cup Preliminary Round - 08/02/2002 - Roofs
03 - Bordeaux, G.P.W Two rounds - jo - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
08 - Bordeaux, 1.50 Against the clock - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
07 - Bordeaux, Grand Prix - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
19 - `S-Hertogenbosch, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
03 - Zurich, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
08 - Zurich, 1.50 Two phases - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
02 - Zurich, 1.50 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
02 - Cannes, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
09 - Cannes, 1.50 Against the clock - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
11 - Wiesbaden, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
27 - Göteborg, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
03 - Göteborg, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
33 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
23 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
10 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix Two rounds - jo - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
10 - Cannes, 1.40 Against the clock - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
19 - Olympia International Horse Show, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
16 - Geneva, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
02 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup Team comp. - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
17 - Maastricht, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
04 - Oslo, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
04 - Oslo, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
14 - Helsinki, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
33 - Aachen, Grand Prix Two rounds - jo - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
05 - Aachen, 1.50 Two rounds - jo - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
09 - Aachen, Nations Cup Team comp. - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
33 - Aachen, Prix Europa Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
19 - Paris-Porte de Versailles, Grand Prix - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
10 - Aach, 1.40 Two phases - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
31 - Aach, Grand Prix A Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
07 - Verona, 1.50 Against the clock - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
14 - Verona, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
02 - Lipica (SLO), Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
13 - Paris Bercy, World Cup Qualifier - 01/01/2002 - Grande Dame
06 - Paris Bercy, Grand Prix - 01/01/2002 - Roofs
2 - Amsterdam, World Cup Qualifier - 16/12/2001 - Grande Dame
11 - Amsterdam, World Cup Preliminary Round - 13/12/2001 - Roofs
02 - Berlin, Berlin Grand Prix - 25/11/2001 - Roofs
04 - Berlin, Championat Von Berlin - 23/11/2001 - Roofs
4 - Oslo, Oslo Grand Prix - 14/10/2001 - Grande Dame
3 - Oslo, World Cup Qualifier - 13/10/2001 - Roofs
5 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup - 02/09/2001 - Grande Dame
05 - Rotterdam, Bouw En Infraconcern Dura Vermeer Groep Prijs - 27/08/2001 - Roofs
57 - European Championships, Individual - 23/08/2001 - Roofs
04 - European Championships, Team - 23/08/2001 - Roofs
03 - Aachen, Masters - 12/06/2001 - Grande Dame
04 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 12/06/2001 - Roofs
03 - Paris Bercy, Grand Prix - 04/03/2001 - Roofs
09 - Paris Bercy, World Cup Qualifier - 03/03/2001 - Roofs
08 - Paris Bercy, POPB 1.45 Against the clock - 02/03/2001 - Grande Dame
09 - Bordeaux, Prix Paris Turf - Table C - 10/02/2001 - Roofs
09 - Bordeaux, Grand Prix - 10/02/2001 - Roofs
09 - Bordeaux, Grand Prix - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
09 - Bordeaux, 1.40 Against the clock - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
18 - Bordeaux, G.P.W Two rounds - jo - 01/01/2001 - Grande Dame
17 - Zurich, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
05 - Zurich, Two phases - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
31 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix Two rounds - jo - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
18 - Göteborg, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Grande Dame
05 - Zurich, Master Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Grande Dame
03 - Cannes, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
02 - Amsterdam, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Grande Dame
04 - Berlin, 1.55 Winning round - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
02 - Berlin, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
08 - Geneva, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
09 - Geneva, 1.55 Against the clock - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
04 - Geneva, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Grande Dame
05 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup Team comp. - 01/01/2001 - Grande Dame
35 - Rotterdam, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
05 - Rotterdam, 1.50 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
05 - Helsinki, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Grande Dame
02 - Helsinki, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
07 - Oslo, 1.60 Against the clock - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
03 - Oslo, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
04 - Oslo, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Grande Dame
03 - Paris Bercy, Grand Prix - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
09 - Paris Bercy, World Cup Qualifier - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
04 - La Courneuve *** CSI, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Grande Dame
03 - Aachen, 1.50 Two rounds - jo - 01/01/2001 - Grande Dame
04 - Aachen, Nations Cup Team comp. - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
04 - Donaueschingen, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
04 - Verona, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Grande Dame
08 - Paris Bercy, 1.45 Against the clock - 01/01/2001 - Grande Dame
04 - Paris-Porte de Versailles, 1.50 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
26 - Aach, Grand Prix A Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
04 - Paris-Porte de Versailles, Grand Prix - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
07 - Donaueschingen, 1.50 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
13 - Hachenburg, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
03 - Hachenburg, 1.50 Two rounds - 01/01/2001 - Roofs
1 - Oslo, World Cup Qualifier - 24/10/2000 - Grande Dame
47 - Olympics, Individual - 29/07/2000 - Grande Dame
05 - Olympics, Team - 27/07/2000 - Roofs
05 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 14/07/2000 - Roofs
04 - Aachen, Masters - 14/07/2000 - Operette La Silla
7 - `S-Hertogenbosch, `s Hertogenbosch Grand Prix - 26/03/2000 - Roofs
07 - `S-Hertogenbosch, Grand Prix - 01/01/2000 - Roofs
07 - Bologna, 1.50 Against the clock - 01/01/2000 - Grande Dame
14 - Cannes, Grand Prix - 01/01/2000 - Operette La Silla
05 - Wiesbaden, Grand Prix - 01/01/2000 - Operette La Silla
05 - Göteborg, G.P.W - 01/01/2000 - Roofs
04 - Göteborg, Accumulator - 01/01/2000 - Grande Dame
01 - Oslo, G.P.W - 01/01/2000 - Grande Dame
07 - Olympia International Horse Show, Grand Prix - 01/01/2000 - Roofs
02 - Olympia International Horse Show, Mixed comp. - 01/01/2000 - Grande Dame
13 - Arnhem, Grand Prix - 01/01/2000 - Roofs
11 - Aachen, Prix Europa - 01/01/2000 - Roofs
05 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 01/01/2000 - Roofs
04 - Aachen, Mixed comp. - 01/01/2000 - Operette La Silla
07 - Donaueschingen, Grand Prix - 01/01/2000 - Operette La Silla
04 - Geesteren, Mixed comp. - 01/01/2000 - Roofs
03 - Cervia, Mixed comp. - 01/01/2000 - Lynn
06 - Cervia, Grand Prix - 01/01/2000 - Roofs
05 - Grenoble CSI, Grand Prix - 01/01/2000 - Roofs
31 - Spruce Meadows, Du Maurier Grand Prix - 12/09/1999 - Operette La Silla
2 - Spruce Meadows, Nations Cup - 03/09/1999 - Operette La Silla
03 - European Championships, Team - 29/08/1999 - Montemorelos la Silla
20 - European Championships, Team - 23/08/1999 - Montemorelos la Silla
2 - Rotterdam, Rotterdam Grand Prix - 21/08/1999 - Operette La Silla
1 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup - 19/08/1999 - Operette La Silla
6 - Valkenswaard, Valkensward Grand Prix - 13/08/1999 - Montemorelos la Silla
1 - Dublin, Nations Cup - 04/08/1999 - Montemorelos la Silla
01 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup - 22/07/1999 - Operette La Silla
6 - Geesteren, Grand Prix - 17/07/1999 - Operette La Silla
30 - Aachen, Grand Prix - 20/06/1999 - Montemorelos la Silla
09 - La Baule, La Baule Grand Prix - 06/05/1999 - Operette La Silla
06 - Grenoble CSI, Grand Prix - 06/03/1999 - Top Gun
02 - Bologna, World Cup Qualifier - 28/02/1999 - Belsedence d`Amaury
07 - Bordeaux, World Cup Qualifier - 12/02/1999 - Belsedence d`Amaury
02 - Bologna, World Cup Qualifier - 11/02/1999 - Belsedence d`Amaury
02 - Bologna, World Cup Qualifier - 01/01/1999 - Belsedence d`Amaury
07 - Bordeaux, G.P.W - 01/01/1999 - Belsedence d`Amaury
03 - Bordeaux, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1999 - Belsedence d`Amaury
04 - Zurich, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1999 - Operette La Silla
14 - Dortmund, G.P.W - 01/01/1999 - Operette La Silla
06 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix - 01/01/1999 - Montemorelos la Silla
02 - Rotterdam, Grand Prix - 01/01/1999 - Operette La Silla
01 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup - 01/01/1999 - Operette La Silla
08 - Berlin, Grand Prix - 01/01/1999 - Operette La Silla
05 - Stuttgart, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1999 - Belsedence d`Amaury
02 - Calgary **** CSI, Nations Cup - 01/01/1999 - Operette La Silla
06 - Grenoble CSI, Grand Prix - 01/01/1999 - Top Gun
09 - , Grand Prix - 01/01/1999 - Operette La Silla
07 - , Nations Cup - 01/01/1999 - Belsedence d`Amaury
30 - Aachen, Grand Prix Two rounds - jo - 01/01/1999 - Montemorelos la Silla
10 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 01/01/1999 - Operette La Silla
10 - Aachen, Prix Europa - 01/01/1999 - Operette La Silla
01 - Dublin, Nations Cup - 01/01/1999 - Montemorelos la Silla
02 - Dublin, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1999 - Operette La Silla
02 - Monterry, Speed and handiness - 01/01/1999 - Belsedence d`Amaury
02 - Toronto, World Cup Qualifier - 14/11/1998 - Operette La Silla
03 - New York, World Cup Qualifier - 05/11/1998 - Operette La Silla
09 - Rotterdam, Rotterdam Grand Prix - 21/08/1998 - Top Gun
09 - Rotterdam, Rotterdam Grand Prix - 21/08/1998 - Top Gun
4 - Aachen, Prize of Licher Privatbrauerei - 15/08/1998 - Montemorelos la Silla
7 - Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen-Preis - 13/08/1998 -
4 - Aachen, Prize of EXPO - 12/08/1998 - Operette La Silla
17 - Aachen, Prize of Aachener - 11/08/1998 - Montemorelos la Silla
34 - Aachen, Lambertz-Prize - 11/08/1998 - Operette La Silla
05 - Aachen, Grand Prix - 24/07/1998 - Operette La Silla
04 - Aachen, Preis von Europa - 23/07/1998 - Operette La Silla
15 - Geesteren, Grand Prix - 17/07/1998 - Operette La Silla
5 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 14/07/1998 - Operette La Silla
05 - The Royal Show, Falsterbo Grand Prix - 14/07/1998 - Montemorelos la Silla
32 - World Equestrian Games, Individual - 01/06/1998 - Montemorelos la Silla
06 - World Equestrian Games, Team - 01/06/1998 - Montemorelos la Silla
02 - La Baule, Nations Cup - 06/05/1998 - Operette La Silla
09 - Wiesbaden, Grand Prix - 01/01/1998 - Operette La Silla
01 - `S-Hertogenbosch, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1998 - Chinampa ASK
01 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup - 01/01/1998 - Montemorelos la Silla
05 - Rotterdam, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1998 - Top Gun
09 - Rotterdam, Grand Prix - 01/01/1998 - Top Gun
03 - Maastricht, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1998 - Belsedence d`Amaury
04 - Aachen, Prix Europa - 01/01/1998 - Operette La Silla
05 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 01/01/1998 - Operette La Silla
05 - Aachen, Grand Prix - 01/01/1998 - Operette La Silla
04 - Aachen, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1998 - Montemorelos la Silla
15 - Geesteren, Grand Prix - 01/01/1998 - Operette La Silla
05 - Hannover, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1998 - Sonora La Silla
02 - Toronto, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1998 - Operette La Silla
02 - Toronto, G.P.W - 01/01/1998 - Operette La Silla
03 - New York, G.P.W - 01/01/1998 - Operette La Silla
02 - Donaueschingen, Samsung NC Final - 01/01/1998 - Montemorelos la Silla
02 - , Nations Cup - 01/01/1998 - Operette La Silla
05 - La Courneuve *** CSI, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1998 - Elisea La Silla
05 - , Grand Prix - 01/01/1998 - Operette La Silla
06 - Paris Bercy, World Cup Qualifier - 01/01/1998 - Sonora La Silla
05 - Calgary **** CSI, Nations Cup - 01/01/1998 - Top Gun
12 - Calgary **** CSI, Grand Prix - 01/01/1998 - Operette La Silla
01 - Falsterbo, Nations Cup - 01/01/1998 - Montemorelos la Silla
05 - Falsterbo, Grand Prix - 01/01/1998 - Montemorelos la Silla
05 - Geneva, World Cup Qualifier - 07/12/1997 - Operette La Silla
19 - European Championships, Team - 23/08/1997 - Top Gun
02 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup - 19/08/1997 - Operette La Silla
01 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 08/07/1997 - Operette La Silla
02 - Rome, Nations Cup - 29/05/1997 - Operette La Silla
03 - Hamburg, 1.50m Open - 24/05/1997 - Operette La Silla
01 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix - 01/01/1997 - Top Gun
03 - Zurich, Grand Prix - 01/01/1997 - Top Gun
06 - `S-Hertogenbosch, Grand Prix - 01/01/1997 - Sonora La Silla
01 - Bordeaux, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1997 - Operette La Silla
10 - Bordeaux, G.P.W - 01/01/1997 - Sonora La Silla
02 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup - 01/01/1997 - Operette La Silla
04 - Rotterdam, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1997 - Operette La Silla
05 - Valkenswaard, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1997 - Top Gun
05 - Geneva, G.P.W - 01/01/1997 - Operette La Silla
09 - Geneva, Grand Prix - 01/01/1997 - Operette La Silla
05 - Millstreet, Grand Prix - 01/01/1997 - Chinampa ASK
05 - Millstreet, G.P.W - 01/01/1997 - Chinampa ASK
01 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 01/01/1997 - Operette La Silla
12 - Aachen, Grand Prix - 01/01/1997 - Top Gun
07 - San Gallo, Nations Cup - 01/01/1997 - Sonora La Silla
03 - Paris Bercy, 1.45 Against the clock - 01/01/1997 - Sonora La Silla
15 - Hannover, Grand Prix - 01/01/1997 - Sonora La Silla
03 - Dublin, Grand Prix - 01/01/1997 - Operette La Silla
02 - Dublin, Nations Cup - 01/01/1997 - Operette La Silla
01 - Calgary **** CSI, Samsung NC Final - 01/01/1997 - Operette La Silla
04 - Falsterbo, Nations Cup - 01/01/1997 - Sonora La Silla
03 - Oviedo CSI, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1997 - Operette La Silla
05 - Oviedo CSI, Against the clock - 01/01/1997 - Four Seasons (ex Aladin de Blondel)
05 - Oviedo CSI, Grand Prix - 01/01/1997 - Operette La Silla
03 - Modena CSI, Nations Cup - 01/01/1997 - Sonora La Silla
05 - Modena CSI, Against the clock - 01/01/1997 - Almea
03 - Modena CSI, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1997 - Sonora La Silla
11 - Paris Bercy, World Cup Qualifier - 01/01/1997 - Operette La Silla
07 - , Grand Prix - 01/01/1997 - Chinampa ASK
03 - , G.P.W - 01/01/1997 - Operette La Silla
02 - , Nations Cup - 01/01/1997 - Operette La Silla
02 - , Mixed comp. - 01/01/1997 - Sonora La Silla
6 - Maastricht, Maastricht Grand Prix - 26/11/1996 - Top Gun
07 - Oberanven, Grand Prix - 27/08/1996 - Operette La Silla
01 - Oberanven, Grand Prix - 26/08/1996 - Operette La Silla
08 - Monterry, Grand Prix - 17/08/1996 - Top Gun
07 - Olympics, Individual - 29/07/1996 - Top Gun
07 - Olympics, Team - 28/07/1996 - Top Gun
05 - , - 27/07/1996 - Top Gun
09 - Valkenswaard, Valkensward Grand Prix - 12/07/1996 - Top Gun
04 - Aachen, Grand Prix - 19/06/1996 - Top Gun
12 - Aachen, Grand Prix - 17/06/1996 - Top Gun
4 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 11/06/1996 - Operette La Silla
5 - La Baule, Nations Cup - 06/05/1996 - Four Seasons (ex Aladin de Blondel)
1 - Göteborg, World Cup Qualifier - 08/04/1996 - Sonora La Silla
04 - Bologna, Coppa Banca Naz. dell`Agricoltura - 23/02/1996 - Monterrey La Silla
04 - Bologna, Against the clock - 01/01/1996 - Jux
06 - Bologna, World Cup Qualifier - 01/01/1996 - Sonora La Silla
03 - Paris, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1996 - Four Seasons (ex Aladin de Blondel)
04 - Paris, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Top Gun
05 - Paris, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Operette La Silla
02 - Paris, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Sonora La Silla
05 - `S-Hertogenbosch, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Sonora La Silla
07 - Dortmund, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Operette La Silla
04 - `S-Hertogenbosch, Against the clock - 01/01/1996 - Top Gun
01 - `S-Hertogenbosch, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1996 - Top Gun
05 - Göteborg, Speed and handiness - 01/01/1996 - Jux
06 - Göteborg, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Sonora La Silla
01 - Göteborg, G.P.W - 01/01/1996 - Sonora La Silla
01 - Eindhoven, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Sonora La Silla
15 - Wiesbaden, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Operette La Silla
03 - Moorsele, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Operette La Silla
09 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Top Gun
04 - Millstreet, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Sonora La Silla
03 - Berlin, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1996 - Operette La Silla
10 - Geneva, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Sonora La Silla
05 - Amsterdam, Accumulator - 01/01/1996 - Almea
09 - Geneva, G.P.W - 01/01/1996 - Top Gun
04 - Maastricht, Speed and handiness - 01/01/1996 - Almea
05 - Maastricht, Top score - 01/01/1996 - Sonora La Silla
06 - Maastricht, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Top Gun
02 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup - 01/01/1996 - Operette La Silla
14 - Oslo, G.P.W - 01/01/1996 - Sonora La Silla
01 - Rotterdam, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1996 - Sonora La Silla
04 - Aachen, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Top Gun
05 - Aachen, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1996 - Sonora La Silla
04 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 01/01/1996 - Operette La Silla
04 - Arnhem, Two phases - 01/01/1996 - Almea
02 - Arnhem, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Sonora La Silla
08 - Monterry, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Top Gun
07 - Oberanven, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Operette La Silla
09 - San Gallo, Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Operette La Silla
07 - San Gallo, Nations Cup - 01/01/1996 - Operette La Silla
03 - Paris-Porte de Versailles, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1996 - Operette La Silla
05 - , Nations Cup - 01/01/1996 - Four Seasons (ex Aladin de Blondel)
01 - Oberanven, Nations Cup - 01/01/1996 - Operette La Silla
06 - , Grand Prix - 01/01/1996 - Sonora La Silla
05 - Calgary **** CSI, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1996 - Operette La Silla
02 - Calgary **** CSI, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1996 - Top Gun
03 - Calgary **** CSI, Nations Cup - 01/01/1996 - Operette La Silla
06 - European Championships, Team - 23/08/1995 - Top Gun
04 - European Championships, Individual - 23/08/1995 - Top Gun
3 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 14/06/1995 - Operette La Silla
1 - World Cup Final, World Cup - 3rd Leg - 24/04/1995 - Top Gun
3 - Dortmund, World Cup Qualifier - 08/04/1995 - Sonora La Silla
3 - Dortmund, Dortmund Grand Prix - 07/04/1995 - Sonora La Silla
14 - `S-Hertogenbosch, World Cup Qualifier - 18/03/1995 - Top Gun
1 - Bologna, World Cup Qualifier - 23/02/1995 - Top Gun
01 - Bologna, World Cup Qualifier - 01/01/1995 - Top Gun
04 - Bologna, Against the clock - 01/01/1995 - Jux
03 - Dortmund, Grand Prix - 01/01/1995 - Sonora La Silla
03 - Dortmund, G.P.W - 01/01/1995 - Sonora La Silla
14 - `S-Hertogenbosch, G.P.W - 01/01/1995 - Top Gun
05 - Göteborg, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1995 - Sonora La Silla
01 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix - 01/01/1995 - Top Gun
06 - Moorsele, Grand Prix - 01/01/1995 - Sonora La Silla
05 - Cannes, Grand Prix - 01/01/1995 - Operette La Silla
05 - Cannes, Two phases - 01/01/1995 - Operette La Silla
10 - Göteborg, Grand Prix - 01/01/1995 - Operette La Silla
01 - Göteborg, Grand Prix - 01/01/1995 - Sonora La Silla
02 - Eindhoven, Two phases - 01/01/1995 - Jux
02 - Eindhoven, Accumulator - 01/01/1995 - Jux
03 - Eindhoven, Grand Prix - 01/01/1995 - Sonora La Silla
03 - Olympia International Horse Show, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1995 - Operette La Silla
05 - Olympia International Horse Show, G.P.W - 01/01/1995 - Top Gun
02 - Amsterdam, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1995 - Operette La Silla
02 - Olympia International Horse Show, Knock-out - 01/01/1995 - Jux
02 - Maastricht, Grand Prix - 01/01/1995 - Top Gun
02 - Stuttgart, Against the clock - 01/01/1995 - Jux
06 - Amsterdam, Grand Prix - 01/01/1995 - Operette La Silla
05 - Rotterdam, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1995 - Operette La Silla
05 - Valkenswaard, Against the clock - 01/01/1995 - Sonora La Silla
02 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup - 01/01/1995 - Operette La Silla
01 - Maastricht, Against the clock - 01/01/1995 - Jux
02 - Maastricht, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1995 - Sonora La Silla
02 - Maastricht, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1995 - Top Gun
09 - Aachen, Grand Prix - 01/01/1995 - Top Gun
02 - Aachen, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1995 - Top Gun
03 - Arnhem, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1995 - Sonora La Silla
03 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 01/01/1995 - Operette La Silla
01 - Monte Carlo, Knock-out - 01/01/1995 - Jux
01 - Oberanven, Nations Cup - 01/01/1995 - Operette La Silla
02 - Monterry, G.P.W - 01/01/1995 - Top Gun
03 - Monterry, Grand Prix - 01/01/1995 - Top Gun
06 - Calgary **** CSI, Nations Cup - 01/01/1995 - Operette La Silla
13 - Calgary **** CSI, Grand Prix - 01/01/1995 - Operette La Silla
03 - , G.P.W - 01/01/1995 - Top Gun
03 - , Speed and handiness - 01/01/1995 - Top Gun
1 - Olympia International Horse Show, World Cup Qualifier - 15/12/1994 - Sonora La Silla
11 - Frankfurt, Grand Prix - 09/12/1994 - Top Gun
2 - Maastricht, Maastricht Grand Prix - 27/11/1994 - Sonora La Silla
10 - Oslo, Oslo Grand Prix - 24/10/1994 - Sonora La Silla
08 - World Equestrian Games, Team - 01/06/1994 - Top Gun
32 - World Equestrian Games, Individual - 01/06/1994 - Top Gun
02 - Olympia International Horse Show, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1994 - Operette La Silla
04 - Olympia International Horse Show, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1994 - Operette La Silla
04 - Olympia International Horse Show, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1994 - Operette La Silla
01 - Olympia International Horse Show, G.P.W - 01/01/1994 - Sonora La Silla
03 - Olympia International Horse Show, Grand Prix - 01/01/1994 - Sonora La Silla
01 - Berlin, Knock Out - 01/01/1994 - Jux
03 - Berlin, Grand Prix - 01/01/1994 - Top Gun
04 - Amsterdam, G.P.W - 01/01/1994 - Top Gun
02 - Amsterdam, Against the clock - 01/01/1994 - Jux
02 - Amsterdam, Against the clock - 01/01/1994 - Jux
01 - Maastricht, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1994 - Sonora La Silla
02 - Maastricht, Grand Prix - 01/01/1994 - Sonora La Silla
07 - Valkenswaard, Grand Prix - 01/01/1994 - Top Gun
11 - Frankfurt, Grand Prix - 01/01/1994 - Top Gun
05 - Frankfurt, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1994 - Top Gun
02 - Frankfurt, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1994 - Top Gun
04 - Arnhem, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1994 - Sonora La Silla
05 - Monterry, G.P.W - 01/01/1994 - Top Gun
04 - Paris-Porte de Versailles, Grand Prix - 01/01/1994 - Top Gun
02 - Paris-Porte de Versailles, Two phases - 01/01/1994 - Sonora La Silla
04 - Paris-Porte de Versailles, Against the clock - 01/01/1994 - Sonora La Silla
01 - Paris-Porte de Versailles, Mixed comp. - 01/01/1994 - Top Gun
02 - Geesteren, Accumulator - 01/01/1994 - Sonora La Silla
02 - Lucerna CSIO, Nations Cup - 01/01/1994 - Abbeville La Silla
03 - , Two phases - 01/01/1994 - Sonora La Silla
02 - Liegi, Speed and handiness - 01/01/1994 - Jux
05 - Liegi, Two phases - 01/01/1994 - Jux
06 - Liegi, Grand Prix - 01/01/1994 - Operette La Silla
10 - , Grand Prix - 01/01/1994 - Sonora La Silla
7 - Cannes, Cannes Grand Prix - 14/06/1993 - Doreen La Silla
6 - Göteborg, Göteborg Grand Prix - 07/04/1993 - Abbeville La Silla
07 - Cannes, Grand Prix - 01/01/1993 - Doreen La Silla
06 - Göteborg, Grand Prix - 01/01/1993 - Abbeville La Silla
13 - Oslo, G.P.W - 01/01/1993 - Abbeville La Silla
02 - Amsterdam, G.P.W - 01/01/1993 - Top Gun
03 - San Gallo, Grand Prix - 01/01/1993 - Top Gun
1 - Oslo, World Cup Qualifier - 24/10/1992 - Abbeville La Silla
01 - Olympics, Team - 29/07/1992 - Top Gun
05 - Olympics, Individual - 29/07/1992 - Top Gun
05 - Olympics, Individual - 22/05/1992 - Top Gun
7 - Göteborg, World Cup Qualifier - 02/04/1992 - Abbeville La Silla
07 - Göteborg, G.P.W - 01/01/1992 - Abbeville La Silla
01 - Oslo, G.P.W - 01/01/1992 - Abbeville La Silla
03 - Amsterdam, G.P.W - 01/01/1992 - Abbeville La Silla
12 - Olympia International Horse Show, G.P.W - 01/01/1992 - Abbeville La Silla
04 - Guadalajara CSI, Grand Prix - 01/01/1992 - Abbeville La Silla
01 - European Championships, Team - 23/08/1991 - Top Gun
08 - European Championships, Individual - 23/08/1991 - Top Gun
16 - European Championships, Individual - 23/08/1989 - Doreen La Silla
04 - European Championships, Team - 23/08/1989 - Doreen La Silla
07 - Olympics, Individual - 29/07/1988 - Doreen La Silla
05 - Olympics, Team - 29/07/1988 - Doreen La Silla
03 - Aachen, Grand Prix - 22/07/1988 - Doreen La Silla
03 - Aachen, Grand Prix - 15/06/1988 - Doreen La Silla
07 - Olympics, Individual - 22/05/1988 - Doreen La Silla
03 - Aachen, Grand Prix - 01/01/1988 - Doreen La Silla
5 - Rotterdam, Nations Cup - 31/08/1985 - Furist III
05 - European Championships, Team - 23/08/1985 - Furist III
18 - European Championships, Individual - 23/08/1985 - Furist III
03 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 23/07/1985 - Furist III
03 - Aachen, Nations Cup - 01/01/1985 - Furist III

Chinampa was succesufully competed in the showjumping arena by both dutch showjumper Jan Tops and Danish showjumper Lars Pedersen, with both riders Chinampa had many excellent results.
Doreen La Silla was one of the leading horses in the world, in 1988 Jan Tops rode Doreen at the Seoul olympics, below you can watch Jan Tops & Doreen in the Rome grand prix.

An international show jumper Almea was competed by Jan Tops and together the pair represented the Netherlands at many of Europe`s most prestige show jumping events, clocking up many victories and placings.Monterrey La Silla
Jumped by Jan Tops from the Netherlands, Monterrey La Silla is an international performance horse competed at many horse shows around the world with numerous victorious and placings.Jan Melter
Jan Melter - Slovakia - Endurance Riders
Furist III
Competed with Dutch show jumper Jan Tops Furist III represented Holland in Nations Cups in Aachen, Rotterdam, Royal International Horse Show (Hickstead) as well as jumping on the Dutch European championship team in 1985.Olgetta (Little Madam)
Born in 1973, Olgetta is a KWPN mare by Glavius out of a Vazal mare. An international showjumper Olgetta (Little Madam) was competed internationally by Dutch rider Jan Tops.Olgetta (Little Madam) - Glavius x Vazal, Olgetta is a KWPN mare born in 1973, along with her rider Jan Tops Olgetta had tremendous success in the equestrian sport of showjumping.
Jan Borneman
Jan Borneman - Holland - Horse DrivingJan Holec
Jan Holec - Czech - EventingBelsedence d`Amaury
With pacing`s across Europe with lots of success, Belsedence d`Amaury was competed by international rider Rolf Goran Bengston from Sweden.Jan Biro
Jan Biro - Slovakia - Horse DrivingJan Seykens
Jan Seykens - Belgium - Endurance RiderJux
Jux is an international show jumping horse competed by Jan Tops and Kristof Cleeren, with both rider Jux jumped at grand prix level and nation cups with a great deal of success.Jan West
Jan West - Sweden - ShowjumpingJan Genserich
Jan Genserich - Germany - Showjumping
Elisea La Silla
A daughter of Polydor out of a Lady Killer mare, Elisea La Silla was a showjumping horse competed by Dutch rider Jan Tops. A horse with a good performance record and excellent showjumping bloodlines she became one of La Silla brood mares on retirement from the competition arena, offspring of Elisea La Silla includes Elisea II LS sired by the stallion Risueno la SillaElisea la Silla is a westfalian mare sired by the great stallion Polydor who is the farther of many proven showjumpers including Pozitano, Sunnora La Silla, Poor Boy, Paavo N amongst many others. Part of the La Silla stud team of fantastic show jumping
Julijan Pantelic
Julijan Pantelic - Slovenia
Jurjan Bloem
Jurjan Bloem - Holland
Jan BĂŁĹ“sch
Jan BĂ£Ĺ“sch - Germany - EventingMontemorelos la Silla
Daughter of Calypso II out of the Graphit mare Grille, Competed by Jan Tops in grand prix`s and other international classes, Montemorelos La Silla would later be competed by Mexican rider Alfonso Romo who would take the Hannoverian mare to the 2000 Sydney Olympics.Jan Nesvacil
Jan Nesvacil - CzechJan Van Neck
Jan Van Neck - South Africa - Endurance RidersRoofs
Roofs is an international showjumping mare who was born in 1990, with an impressive pedigree she is the daugter of te leading Holstein stallion Caletto I out of a Fra Diavolo mare. Roofs was successfully competed by Jan Tops and Rolf-Goran Bengtsson winning numerous grand prix`s and competing in numerous nation cups. Jan Tops competed Roofs at both the 2000 Sydney olympics and the 2002 world equestrian games.Jan Fourie
Jan Fourie - Namibia - Endurance RiderJan Van Dijck
Jan Van Dijck - BelgiumJan Van Dijck Horses
Vumpact Van De Zuuthoeve (Joyride x Lumpaci, 1998)Jan Van Dijck Competition Results
4 - World Breeding Championship, 5 Year Old - Consolation - 27/09/2003 - Vumpact Van De ZuuthoeveJan Dickieson
Jan Dickieson - USA - Dressage RiderAbbeville La Silla
Winner of many international classes Abbeville La Silla is by Abantos who`s pedigree goes back to Abgar xx a successful thoroughbred stallion who has been very influential to sport horse breeding. Successes in the showjumping ring for Abbeville La Silla include`s winning the Oslo world cup qualifier among many other excellent results.Born in 1985 Abbeville La Silla was competed by Dutch show jumper Jan Tops at grand prix level, victories include the world cup qualifier class in Oslo, Norway. Abbeville La Silla is sire Abantos is by the legendary thoroughbred Abgar XX
Jan Piasecki
Jan Piasecki is an eventer from Poland, horses competed by Jan Piasecki include Jedrusia, Karanja, Ancymon & Dobrodzien | Jan Piasecki - Poland - EventingJan Tops buys Palloubet d`Halong for 11 Million euros
It has been confirmated that Jan Tops has purchased the cestnut gelding Palloubet d`Halong for 11 million euros (15,000,000 USD), the Swiss owned Palloubet d`Halong has been one of the leading horses on this years nation cup series ridden by who has been jumped by Janika Sprunger who has ridden him since the age of six, other highlights include coming 2nd in the Aachen grand prix and 7th in the individual competetion at the European championships.The Baloubet du Rouet son will be competed by Jan Tops wife Edwina Tops-Alexander.

Jan Hoffmann
Jan Hoffmann - Germany - Eventing
Jan Stevens
Jan Stevens is an American endurance rider.
Grande Dame
Grande Dame is an international showjumper who won numerous classes with Jan Tops and then later Judy Ann Melchior, with Jan Tops Grande Dame competed at two world cup finals in 2002 and then again the following year in 2003. Grande Dame is a horse with an impressive pedigree as she is a daughter of the stallion Gotthard who has produced many other excellent jumping offspring.