Ingo Jungblut
Ingo Jungblut - Germany - Showjumping Rider / Horses competed by Ingo Jungblut include Rush On 14, Concord 65 and 3q Qalisya
High Offley Stud
There are many places with horses for sale - so why should you choose High Offley Stud?
Good horses We are very careful about the horses bought. We know what we`re looking for, and only select stock that we know will make a great companion and please my clients for years to come.
Matching horses to clients We spend time with my clients to get clear what sort of horse they`re looking for. we also work out what sort of horse will suit them the best. Sometimes people need some guidance about their ideal horse - by finding out how experienced they are and what sort of work they want to do with their horse, we can help them in their search.
It may be that we don`t have the type of horse you`re looking for at a particular time - if that`s the case, we can take a brief and contact you when we find a horse that is right for you.
Taking time over the sale
Buying a horse is a big step. You want a horse that you will enjoy riding, and you`re going to be responsible for an animal and its welfare. And it`s a lot of money to spend, whoever you are. So we let my clients take as long as they want to assess a horse. We think it`s a good idea for you to spend some time just watching your horse, to see how it behaves. You can use our facilities at High Offley Stu, where we`ve got an all-weather exercise ring and jumps.
Call Us On : 07811 329229
Rushcreek Classic
Sire: HV Suns Heaven and Earth
Dam: Rushcreek Natka, Comar Raphael x Rushcreek Gwen
Classic was started as a 3 year old on the Rushcreek Ranch.
Fly Repellent For Horses
As the name suggests, a Fly Repellent is a product that would repeal the flies and keep them at bay. There are many versions of the product available. While a lot of artificially and commercially composed and introduced products are available in the market, there are also many natural products that work great as fly repellents.
Natural remedies
Some natural options as fly repellents would not be a bad idea. Owing to the fact that they are natural they would cost less and should not carry any side effect on you. Some options for the same are stated below:
Lavender and rosemary are known to repel flies. If you have them at your place then you should be able to keep flies away.
Certain forms of oil are known to repel flies away. One such example would be peppermint oil. You could blend it with a little water and place the blend at home to keep flies away.
The other forms of oil that could be used would be lavender, eucalyptus, lemongrass etc. You could also choose to soak a cloth piece in them and hang it around if you do not want to keep a liquid form in a container.
There can be many more options that you could find. All you have to do is to look for it on the net as well as consult people who are aware of such options well enough.
Commercial options
The other way is to go about commercial options of fly repellent. There are many in the market. They have their respective advantages and disadvantages. They are available in several formats. Some of the formats would be:
• Liquid
• Spray
• Electronic gadget that produces sonic buzz
• Electronic gadget that produces vapor
Irrespective of the format, the point remains that there are many options available in the market. However, owing to their artificial nature a few points should be kept in mind:
Always buy a product that is certified by proper authorities, in addition to government organization stating its safety of usage.
Make it a point that the product is used on a need basis and not in excess as excess of usage could be harmful.
More than brand name or advertizing gimmick effectiveness and safety factor should be prioritized.
Domingo Olivera
Domingo Olivera - UruguayIngo Rãœsen
Ingo Rãœsen - Germany - Showjumping RiderIngo Winter
Ingo Winter - Germany - Showjumping RiderJordi Domingo Coll
Jordi Domingo Coll - SpainJuan Domingo Alonso
Juan Domingo Alonso - UruguayShingo Hayashi
Shingo Hayashi - JapanIngo Bergs
Ingo Bergs - GermanyHigh Offley Stud
There are many places with horses for sale - so why should you choose High Offley Stud?
Good horses We are very careful about the horses bought. We know what we`re looking for, and only select stock that we know will make a great companion and please my clients for years to come.
Matching horses to clients We spend time with my clients to get clear what sort of horse they`re looking for. we also work out what sort of horse will suit them the best. Sometimes people need some guidance about their ideal horse - by finding out how experienced they are and what sort of work they want to do with their horse, we can help them in their search.
It may be that we don`t have the type of horse you`re looking for at a particular time - if that`s the case, we can take a brief and contact you when we find a horse that is right for you.
Taking time over the sale
Buying a horse is a big step. You want a horse that you will enjoy riding, and you`re going to be responsible for an animal and its welfare. And it`s a lot of money to spend, whoever you are. So we let my clients take as long as they want to assess a horse. We think it`s a good idea for you to spend some time just watching your horse, to see how it behaves. You can use our facilities at High Offley Stu, where we`ve got an all-weather exercise ring and jumps.
Call Us On : 07811 329229
Domingo Andres Cordoba
Domingo Andres Cordoba is an Italian endurance rider who changed his nationality to Argentina. Domingo Andres Cordoba competed at the world equestrian games with Koela De La Dour and the world championships with Yougo in 2014 and Podium in 2012Rushcreek Classic
Sire: HV Suns Heaven and Earth
Dam: Rushcreek Natka, Comar Raphael x Rushcreek Gwen
Classic was started as a 3 year old on the Rushcreek Ranch.
Fly Repellent For Horses
As the name suggests, a Fly Repellent is a product that would repeal the flies and keep them at bay. There are many versions of the product available. While a lot of artificially and commercially composed and introduced products are available in the market, there are also many natural products that work great as fly repellents.
Natural remedies
Some natural options as fly repellents would not be a bad idea. Owing to the fact that they are natural they would cost less and should not carry any side effect on you. Some options for the same are stated below:
Lavender and rosemary are known to repel flies. If you have them at your place then you should be able to keep flies away.
Certain forms of oil are known to repel flies away. One such example would be peppermint oil. You could blend it with a little water and place the blend at home to keep flies away.
The other forms of oil that could be used would be lavender, eucalyptus, lemongrass etc. You could also choose to soak a cloth piece in them and hang it around if you do not want to keep a liquid form in a container.
There can be many more options that you could find. All you have to do is to look for it on the net as well as consult people who are aware of such options well enough.
Commercial options
The other way is to go about commercial options of fly repellent. There are many in the market. They have their respective advantages and disadvantages. They are available in several formats. Some of the formats would be:
• Liquid
• Spray
• Electronic gadget that produces sonic buzz
• Electronic gadget that produces vapor
Irrespective of the format, the point remains that there are many options available in the market. However, owing to their artificial nature a few points should be kept in mind:
Always buy a product that is certified by proper authorities, in addition to government organization stating its safety of usage.
Make it a point that the product is used on a need basis and not in excess as excess of usage could be harmful.
More than brand name or advertizing gimmick effectiveness and safety factor should be prioritized.