How To Protect Against Horse Thieves
When you choose to buy a horse many things cross your mind. How often are you going to get them checked by the vet, the farrier, what will they eat, how to maintain a healthy diet, where you’re going to board them, how often you’ll ride, what tack is necessary, the list goes on and one. Unfortunately, one thing many people don’t really think much about is the fact that there are, sadly, horse thieves out there. It’s a scary thought, but there are some measures you can take to protect your horse from being stolen.

Brand Or Permanently Mark Horses
You may not want to do this and that’s ok, but a good way to deter people from stealing your horse is to brand them. When they’re easily identifiable, thieves are less likely to want to take them because it means the chances of them getting caught are much higher.
Another option is to potentially chip your horse so there’s no outward damage, but you still will know exactly where they are.
Lock The Tack Room
While locking the stables might be an option, you don’t necessarily want to lock the horses inside should something happen like a fire, but make sure you lock up halters and lead ropes inside a tack room. This makes it harder for people to thieve your horse because unless they bring one with them, they’ll have no way to lead the horse. Sometimes this deterrent can be enough to make them want to leave the horse there and move on.

Bolt Gates
Having locks on your gates and pastures can be another deterrent for potential horse thieves and make it harder for them to do what they came for. It won’t always stop them, but adding as many obstacles as possible will make it harder and harder to the point where they won’t even try. If your horse is in the pasture and they can’t get the gate open, then there are very few alternatives and they’ll have to leave the horse behind.
If possible, set up security cameras around the stables and pastures at night and then have signs around that says you’re filming. Thieves are less likely to want to carry out the task when there’s a chance they’ll get caught. Another alternative if you can’t afford CCTV cameras is to put up signs without having the cameras. The thought they might get caught is usually enough.

Post No Trespassing and Warning Signs
Any little thing helps and posting warning and no trespassing signs will further discourage the thieves.
Have Sturdy Fencing Or Wire That’s Hard To Cut
If you have something that’s very hard to knock down then they will have no other option. If you have flimsy wire or a loose fence board, this makes it relatively easy for them to take your horse.
Micro Chips
Modern technology have made many improvements to the security of your horse, a key advance is the use of micro chips inserted into your horse, this have put lots of people from stealing horses but in the event of theft a microchip can identify a stolen horse in the future and make it harder for the thief to sell.
Protecting your horse from thieves is a scary thought and while no one thing alone will stop potential thieves, implementing as many of these as possible throws up so many obstacles that it will deter even the most determined thieves. Ultimately, make sure you have recent photos of your horse should anything happen and contact the police immediately if it does.
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StableexpressHow To Protect Against Horse Thieves
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StableexpressHow To Protect Against Horse Thieves
Posted by Stable Express

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StableexpressHow To Protect Against Horse Thieves
Posted by Stable Express

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StableexpressHow To Protect Against Horse Thieves
Posted by Stable Express

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