Narcos II

Hold Up Premier

Narcos II x Belle Little, - Horse Jumpers

Wereedom G - Earlier this year, Hold up Premier (Narcos II) made his international debut in show jumping with Wout Jan van der Schans. On his dam’s side we can see an accumulation of the best of European jumping blood with, in succession, Galoubet A, Nimmerdor, Landgraf I and Caletto I by which we get back to the mare Mamba (Sacramento Song xx) of Holstein stock 4292. Mamba is also grandam to the international show jumper Campari and the stallion CIA. From this family too comes the well-known show jumper Falke (Gerd Wildfang) and the stallions Losander and Capan.

Hold Up Premier


Earlier this year, Hold up Premier (Narcos II) made his international debut in show jumping with Wout Jan van der Schans. Hold Up Premier inherited his jumping qualities from his grandam Electre II, a mare that belongs amongst the best international show jumpers of her time. The jumping genes are anchored on the dam’s side too; grandam Just on Time (Burggraaf) was successful in national jumping under the name Fine Blade and is jumping at 1.50m in America at present. The dam line goes back, via the stallions Fine Blade xx, Macherio xx, Pherozshah xx and Loaningdale xx, to a daughter of Son-in-Law xx.