Graham Lovegrove
Born at home in stapleford abbotts essex, my farther delivered me on new years day. My sister sarah loved horses she got a new pony so i was given her old one i had no saddle and sarah and her friends thought it was great fun galloping around the country side with me hanging off its neck. This was the start of it all, i jumped ponies very successfully went to the european championships in 1987 on my 14.2 pony lady, then competed horses only at novice level till the age off 22, Unfortunately i was diagnosed with crowns disease at this time, and had to give it all up,buy the time i was 30 my health was good and i was married to my wife sophie started a family and riding again for my sister Sarah and her husband Kevin`s help
Name: Graham Lovegrove
Born: January 1st 1971
School: Ongar
Hobbies: Big carp fishing
Favourite colour: Red, white and blue
Favourite movie: The star wars trilogy, terminator and spirit
Favourite food: English breakfast
Favourite quote: 2nd place is 1st loser
Favourite football team: West ham
Favourite horses: Tin tin and pandur
Most memorable moment: Winning my first International Grand prix on a horse called Galisco D’or
Graham Lovegrove - Audi`s Amalia
Tempale Calypso (01/01/1997), Angel, Dirak du Donjon (01/01/1991), Galisco d`Or (Olisco(01/01/1994), Ge Tou, Huron des Gerbaux, Louison de Jade (Oberon du Moulin, 1999), Valblanc Panishof
A successful show jumping horse Ali is by the British breeding stallion Temple Calypso who is the sire of many promising young horses in the UK. Ali himself was competed in the show jumping ring with one of Britains leading riders Graham Lovegrove.
International show jumper Valblanc Panishof competed by British rider Graham Lovegrove
02 -Moorsele, 1.40 Mixed comp. - 10/06/2006 - Galisco d`Or
02 -Moorsele, 1.35 Two phases - 10/06/2006 - Ali
10 -Moorsele, 6/7 Years Mixed comp. - 10/06/2006 - Angel
32 -Barcelona, Grand Prix - 04/06/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
32 -Barcelona, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
09 -Vilamoura Tour, 7 Years Against the clock - 01/01/2006 - Louison de Jade
09 -Vilamoura Tour, 7 Years Against the clock - 01/01/2006 - Louison de Jade
01 -Vilamoura Tour, 7 Years Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Louison de Jade
10 -Vilamoura Tour, 7 Years Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Louison de Jade
33 -Vilamoura Tour, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
07 -Vilamoura Tour, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
04 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.45 Against the clock - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
08 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.45 Against the clock - 01/01/2006 - Galisco d`Or
06 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.45 Against the clock - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
02 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.35 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Galisco d`Or
25 -Vilamoura Tour, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
07 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.35 Two phases - 01/01/2006 - Galisco d`Or
09 -Vilamoura Tour, 7 Years Two phases - 01/01/2006 - Louison de Jade
03 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.30 Accumulator - 01/01/2006 - Ali
06 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.30 Accumulator - 01/01/2006 - Ali
03 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.35 Against the clock - 01/01/2006 - Dirak du Donjon
03 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.35 Against the clock - 01/01/2006 - Dirak du Donjon
01 -Moorsele, 1.40 Accumulator - 01/01/2006 - Ali
02 -Moorsele, 1.35 Two phases - 01/01/2006 - Ali
10 -Moorsele, 6/7 Years Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Angel
09 -Moorsele, 6/7 Years Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Angel
07 -Vicenza *** CSI, 1.45 Against the clock - 01/01/2006 - Galisco d`Or
11 -Vicenza *** CSI, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2006 - Galisco d`Or
39 -Vilamoura Tour, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
07 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.35 Against the clock - 01/01/2006 - Ali
02 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.35 Two phases - 01/01/2006 - Dirak du Donjon
03 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.35 Two phases - 01/01/2006 - Dirak du Donjon
03 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.35 Two phases - 01/01/2006 - Dirak du Donjon
10 -Deauville, France, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
05 -Deauville, France, 6 Years Against the clock - 01/01/2006 - Angel
01 -Deauville, France, 6 Years Not ag. the clock - 01/01/2006 - Angel
04 -Deauville, France, 6 Years Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Angel
01 -Deauville, France, 7 Years Not ag. the clock - 01/01/2006 - Louison de Jade
02 -Abano Terme, 1.35 Two ph. - tab. A/C - 01/01/2006 - Dirak du Donjon
29 -Abano Terme, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
02 -Moorsele, 1.40 Two phases - 01/01/2006 - Galisco d`Or
02 -CSI 3* San Sebastian (ESP), 1.40 Speed and handiness - 01/01/2006 - Ali
01 -CSI 3* San Sebastian (ESP), Puissance - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
04 -CSI 3* San Sebastian (ESP), Puissance - 01/01/2006 - Galisco d`Or
03 -CSI 3* San Sebastian (ESP), 1.35 Optional relays - 01/01/2006 - Ali
04 -Vimeiro ** CSI, 1.35 Two phases - 01/01/2006 - Ali
02 -Vimeiro ** CSI, 1.35 Two phases - 01/01/2006 - Ali
09 -Vimeiro ** CSI, 1.40 Two phases - 01/01/2006 - Valblanc Panishof
08 -Vimeiro ** CSI, 1.40 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
01 -Vimeiro ** CSI, 1.40 Optional relays - 01/01/2006 - Ali
03 -Vimeiro ** CSI, 1.30 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
04 -Vimeiro ** CSI, 1.30 Two ph. - tab. A/C - 01/01/2006 - Ali
01 -Vimeiro ** CSI, 1.30 Two ph. - tab. A/C - 01/01/2006 - Ali
05 -Vimeiro ** CSI, 1.40 Against the clock - 01/01/2006 - Galisco d`Or
04 -Vimeiro ** CSI, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
02 -Vimeiro ** CSI, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
13 -Vimeiro ** CSI, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
01 -CSI 3* Santander (ESP), Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
02 -CSI 3* Santander (ESP), Six bar - 01/01/2006 - Galisco d`Or
33 -CSI 3* San Sebastian (ESP), Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
02 -Horse Of The Year Show, HOYS National Challenge - 2nd Competition - 13/10/2005 - Galisco d`Or
04 -Horse Of The Year Show, HOYS National Challenge - 1st Competition - 12/10/2005 - Galisco d`Or
04 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.45 Two phases - 01/01/2005 - Dirak du Donjon
03 -Podebrady, Nations Cup Team comp. - jo - 01/01/2005 - Huron des Gerbaux
02 -Podebrady, 1.50 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Galisco d`Or
01 -Podebrady, 1.50 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Huron des Gerbaux
14 -Podebrady, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Huron des Gerbaux
05 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.45 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Dirak du Donjon
08 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.45 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Galisco d`Or
01 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.35 Against the clock - 01/01/2005 - Dirak du Donjon
18 -Vilamoura Tour, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Galisco d`Or
42 -Vilamoura Tour, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Galisco d`Or
03 -Vilamoura Tour, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Galisco d`Or
02 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.45 Two phases - 01/01/2005 - Ali
04 -Moorsele, 1.40 Two phases - 01/01/2005 - Ali
04 -Abano Terme, 1.35 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Ali
09 -Deauville, France, 1.40 Against the clock - 01/01/2005 - Dirak du Donjon
05 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.35 Two phases - 01/01/2005 - Ali
02 -Gradisca d´Isonzo *** CSI, 1.35 Against the clock - 01/01/2005 - Dirak du Donjon
10 -Gradisca d´Isonzo *** CSI, 1.45 Two phases - 01/01/2005 - Huron des Gerbaux
06 -Hardelot ** CSI, 1.40 Two phases - 01/01/2005 - Dirak du Donjon
08 -Hardelot ** CSI, 1.35 Speed and handiness - 01/01/2005 - Ali
54 -Deauville, France, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Huron des Gerbaux
10 -Moorsele, 1.40 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Ali
05 -Moorsele, 1.40 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Galisco d`Or
25 -CSI 3* San Sebastian (ESP), Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2005 - Galisco d`Or
09 -CSI 3* San Sebastian (ESP), 1.40 Speed and handiness - 01/01/2005 - Huron des Gerbaux
04 -Vimeiro ** CSI, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2005 - Huron des Gerbaux
03 -Vimeiro ** CSI, 1.35 Accumulator - 01/01/2005 - Galisco d`Or
09 -Vimeiro ** CSI, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2005 - Huron des Gerbaux
04 -Vimeiro ** CSI, 1.35 Against the clock - 01/01/2005 - Dirak du Donjon
06 -CSI 3* San Sebastian (ESP), 1.45 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Huron des Gerbaux
06 -CSI 3* San Sebastian (ESP), 1.35 Two phases - 01/01/2005 - Dirak du Donjon
03 -CSI 3* San Sebastian (ESP), 1.50 Against the clock - 01/01/2005 - Galisco d`Or
03 -CSI 3* San Sebastian (ESP), 1.35 Against the clock - 01/01/2005 - Dirak du Donjon
06 -CSI 3* San Sebastian (ESP), Puissance - 01/01/2005 - Dirak du Donjon
03 -Moorsele, 6/7 Years Mixed comp. - 01/01/2004 - Ali
02 -Moorsele, 6/7 Years Mixed comp. - 01/01/2004 - Ali
08 -Deauville, France, 1.40 Two phases - 01/01/2004 - Galisco d`Or
10 -Deauville, France, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2004 - Galisco d`Or
6 -World Breeding Championship, 6 Year Old Championship - Final - 28/09/2003 - Ali
09 -Scope, 1.25m Championship - 31/08/2003 - Ge Tou
01 -Scope, 1.25m Preliminary Round 2 - 29/08/2003 - Ge Tou
07 -Scope, Grade C Championship - 28/08/2003 - Ali
03 -Scope, Grades B & C Preliminary Round 1 - 26/08/2003 - Ali
Graham Lovegrove Horses - EXCELIBUR
Name: Graham Lovegrove
Born: January 1st 1971
School: Ongar
Hobbies: Big carp fishing
Favourite colour: Red, white and blue
Favourite movie: The star wars trilogy, terminator and spirit
Favourite food: English breakfast
Favourite quote: 2nd place is 1st loser
Favourite football team: West ham
Favourite horses: Tin tin and pandur
Most memorable moment: Winning my first International Grand prix on a horse called Galisco D’or

Graham Lovegrove Horses
AliTempale Calypso (01/01/1997), Angel, Dirak du Donjon (01/01/1991), Galisco d`Or (Olisco(01/01/1994), Ge Tou, Huron des Gerbaux, Louison de Jade (Oberon du Moulin, 1999), Valblanc Panishof
A successful show jumping horse Ali is by the British breeding stallion Temple Calypso who is the sire of many promising young horses in the UK. Ali himself was competed in the show jumping ring with one of Britains leading riders Graham Lovegrove.
International show jumper Valblanc Panishof competed by British rider Graham Lovegrove
Graham Lovegrove Competition Results
09 -Moorsele, 6/7 Years Mixed comp. - 11/06/2006 - Angel02 -Moorsele, 1.40 Mixed comp. - 10/06/2006 - Galisco d`Or
02 -Moorsele, 1.35 Two phases - 10/06/2006 - Ali
10 -Moorsele, 6/7 Years Mixed comp. - 10/06/2006 - Angel
32 -Barcelona, Grand Prix - 04/06/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
32 -Barcelona, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
09 -Vilamoura Tour, 7 Years Against the clock - 01/01/2006 - Louison de Jade
09 -Vilamoura Tour, 7 Years Against the clock - 01/01/2006 - Louison de Jade
01 -Vilamoura Tour, 7 Years Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Louison de Jade
10 -Vilamoura Tour, 7 Years Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Louison de Jade
33 -Vilamoura Tour, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
07 -Vilamoura Tour, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
04 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.45 Against the clock - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
08 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.45 Against the clock - 01/01/2006 - Galisco d`Or
06 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.45 Against the clock - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
02 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.35 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Galisco d`Or
25 -Vilamoura Tour, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
07 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.35 Two phases - 01/01/2006 - Galisco d`Or
09 -Vilamoura Tour, 7 Years Two phases - 01/01/2006 - Louison de Jade
03 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.30 Accumulator - 01/01/2006 - Ali
06 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.30 Accumulator - 01/01/2006 - Ali
03 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.35 Against the clock - 01/01/2006 - Dirak du Donjon
03 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.35 Against the clock - 01/01/2006 - Dirak du Donjon
01 -Moorsele, 1.40 Accumulator - 01/01/2006 - Ali
02 -Moorsele, 1.35 Two phases - 01/01/2006 - Ali
10 -Moorsele, 6/7 Years Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Angel
09 -Moorsele, 6/7 Years Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Angel
07 -Vicenza *** CSI, 1.45 Against the clock - 01/01/2006 - Galisco d`Or
11 -Vicenza *** CSI, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2006 - Galisco d`Or
39 -Vilamoura Tour, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
07 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.35 Against the clock - 01/01/2006 - Ali
02 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.35 Two phases - 01/01/2006 - Dirak du Donjon
03 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.35 Two phases - 01/01/2006 - Dirak du Donjon
03 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.35 Two phases - 01/01/2006 - Dirak du Donjon
10 -Deauville, France, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
05 -Deauville, France, 6 Years Against the clock - 01/01/2006 - Angel
01 -Deauville, France, 6 Years Not ag. the clock - 01/01/2006 - Angel
04 -Deauville, France, 6 Years Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Angel
01 -Deauville, France, 7 Years Not ag. the clock - 01/01/2006 - Louison de Jade
02 -Abano Terme, 1.35 Two ph. - tab. A/C - 01/01/2006 - Dirak du Donjon
29 -Abano Terme, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
02 -Moorsele, 1.40 Two phases - 01/01/2006 - Galisco d`Or
02 -CSI 3* San Sebastian (ESP), 1.40 Speed and handiness - 01/01/2006 - Ali
01 -CSI 3* San Sebastian (ESP), Puissance - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
04 -CSI 3* San Sebastian (ESP), Puissance - 01/01/2006 - Galisco d`Or
03 -CSI 3* San Sebastian (ESP), 1.35 Optional relays - 01/01/2006 - Ali
04 -Vimeiro ** CSI, 1.35 Two phases - 01/01/2006 - Ali
02 -Vimeiro ** CSI, 1.35 Two phases - 01/01/2006 - Ali
09 -Vimeiro ** CSI, 1.40 Two phases - 01/01/2006 - Valblanc Panishof
08 -Vimeiro ** CSI, 1.40 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
01 -Vimeiro ** CSI, 1.40 Optional relays - 01/01/2006 - Ali
03 -Vimeiro ** CSI, 1.30 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
04 -Vimeiro ** CSI, 1.30 Two ph. - tab. A/C - 01/01/2006 - Ali
01 -Vimeiro ** CSI, 1.30 Two ph. - tab. A/C - 01/01/2006 - Ali
05 -Vimeiro ** CSI, 1.40 Against the clock - 01/01/2006 - Galisco d`Or
04 -Vimeiro ** CSI, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
02 -Vimeiro ** CSI, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
13 -Vimeiro ** CSI, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
01 -CSI 3* Santander (ESP), Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
02 -CSI 3* Santander (ESP), Six bar - 01/01/2006 - Galisco d`Or
33 -CSI 3* San Sebastian (ESP), Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2006 - Huron des Gerbaux
02 -Horse Of The Year Show, HOYS National Challenge - 2nd Competition - 13/10/2005 - Galisco d`Or
04 -Horse Of The Year Show, HOYS National Challenge - 1st Competition - 12/10/2005 - Galisco d`Or
04 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.45 Two phases - 01/01/2005 - Dirak du Donjon
03 -Podebrady, Nations Cup Team comp. - jo - 01/01/2005 - Huron des Gerbaux
02 -Podebrady, 1.50 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Galisco d`Or
01 -Podebrady, 1.50 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Huron des Gerbaux
14 -Podebrady, G.P.W Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Huron des Gerbaux
05 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.45 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Dirak du Donjon
08 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.45 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Galisco d`Or
01 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.35 Against the clock - 01/01/2005 - Dirak du Donjon
18 -Vilamoura Tour, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Galisco d`Or
42 -Vilamoura Tour, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Galisco d`Or
03 -Vilamoura Tour, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Galisco d`Or
02 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.45 Two phases - 01/01/2005 - Ali
04 -Moorsele, 1.40 Two phases - 01/01/2005 - Ali
04 -Abano Terme, 1.35 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Ali
09 -Deauville, France, 1.40 Against the clock - 01/01/2005 - Dirak du Donjon
05 -Vilamoura Tour, 1.35 Two phases - 01/01/2005 - Ali
02 -Gradisca d´Isonzo *** CSI, 1.35 Against the clock - 01/01/2005 - Dirak du Donjon
10 -Gradisca d´Isonzo *** CSI, 1.45 Two phases - 01/01/2005 - Huron des Gerbaux
06 -Hardelot ** CSI, 1.40 Two phases - 01/01/2005 - Dirak du Donjon
08 -Hardelot ** CSI, 1.35 Speed and handiness - 01/01/2005 - Ali
54 -Deauville, France, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Huron des Gerbaux
10 -Moorsele, 1.40 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Ali
05 -Moorsele, 1.40 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Galisco d`Or
25 -CSI 3* San Sebastian (ESP), Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2005 - Galisco d`Or
09 -CSI 3* San Sebastian (ESP), 1.40 Speed and handiness - 01/01/2005 - Huron des Gerbaux
04 -Vimeiro ** CSI, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2005 - Huron des Gerbaux
03 -Vimeiro ** CSI, 1.35 Accumulator - 01/01/2005 - Galisco d`Or
09 -Vimeiro ** CSI, Grand Prix Two rounds - 01/01/2005 - Huron des Gerbaux
04 -Vimeiro ** CSI, 1.35 Against the clock - 01/01/2005 - Dirak du Donjon
06 -CSI 3* San Sebastian (ESP), 1.45 Mixed comp. - 01/01/2005 - Huron des Gerbaux
06 -CSI 3* San Sebastian (ESP), 1.35 Two phases - 01/01/2005 - Dirak du Donjon
03 -CSI 3* San Sebastian (ESP), 1.50 Against the clock - 01/01/2005 - Galisco d`Or
03 -CSI 3* San Sebastian (ESP), 1.35 Against the clock - 01/01/2005 - Dirak du Donjon
06 -CSI 3* San Sebastian (ESP), Puissance - 01/01/2005 - Dirak du Donjon
03 -Moorsele, 6/7 Years Mixed comp. - 01/01/2004 - Ali
02 -Moorsele, 6/7 Years Mixed comp. - 01/01/2004 - Ali
08 -Deauville, France, 1.40 Two phases - 01/01/2004 - Galisco d`Or
10 -Deauville, France, Grand Prix Mixed comp. - 01/01/2004 - Galisco d`Or
6 -World Breeding Championship, 6 Year Old Championship - Final - 28/09/2003 - Ali
09 -Scope, 1.25m Championship - 31/08/2003 - Ge Tou
01 -Scope, 1.25m Preliminary Round 2 - 29/08/2003 - Ge Tou
07 -Scope, Grade C Championship - 28/08/2003 - Ali
03 -Scope, Grades B & C Preliminary Round 1 - 26/08/2003 - Ali