Fly Spray For Horses
Protect your horses from the annoyance of flies by applying fly spray to repel them from your horse. Browse through our selection of fly sprays and repellents for your horse.
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While there`s fly spray, sometimes that`s not always the most effective, so what are the best tips to help keep your horse from being swarmed by flies? Here are some ideas.
Invest In Great Fly Gear
We`ve all heard the word invest and we know that it means we shouldn`t just be buying the cheapest option. Really do research into the flight gear, splurge a bit more than you would on some other things. Your horse`s comfort is of utmost priority.
If you purchase quality fly gear it won`t just last longer, but it will actually be more effective.
Try Fly Sprays Until You Find One That Works
Don`t just settle for a mediocre fly spray, each horse reacts differently to different sprays so don`t be afraid to try many different ones until you find one that really works for them.
Be sure to test every new product on just a small area first, just to make sure there are no negative reactions.
Clean Often
Barns are never "clean", we know that, but if you clean up the manure frequently you`ll have less flies because that`s what they`re attracted to. If you can`t do it yourself, pay someone else to. It will be worth the money spent.
Feed-Through Fly Deterrent
You may have heard the myth that if you take a lot of medication, mosquitoes and other biting insects may not like you as much because you don`t taste as good. As a matter of fact, for horses this is true. There are fly deterrents that act as supplements and you incorporate them into your horse`s feed.
This changes the way they taste to flies and makes them not as appealing, thus deterring them from bothering your horse.
Change Up Turnout Times
Flies are most active during the day, and while it`s good for your horse to have bright sunshine daily, you may want to consider the times you turn them out and save it for later in the evenings when it`s still light but the flies aren`t in as much of an abundance.
By combining various forms of these tips you`ll be able to keep your horse nearly fly-free during these irritating months. Flies are aggravating, but they can be combated as long as you put in a bit of time and effort into figuring out what works and what doesn`t.
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Barrier Super Plus Fly Repellent
Natural formula, to give strong protection against flies.
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Natural formula, to give strong protection against flies.
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NAF - Naf Off Citronella Horse Fly Spray x 750 Ml
Highly scented mane, tail and coat spray. Ideal for all horses during the summer.
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Highly scented mane, tail and coat spray. Ideal for all horses during the summer.
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Leovet Power Phaser Fly Repellent Gel for Horses - White, 500 ml
An alternative option to fly spray, repellents against flies for your horse
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An alternative option to fly spray, repellents against flies for your horse
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Horse Videos
StableexpressFly Spray For Horses
Posted by Stable Express

Tips To Help Your Horse Be Free Of Flies
When it comes to summer time, or any relatively warm weather, it also means it`s time for the flies to come out. Flies are a nuisance, but unfortunately cannot be eradicated. Not only are they annoying, but they can also bite and irritate your horse as well, which is not good for them. If they receive a very itchy bite, they may rub their skin raw, which is not good.While there`s fly spray, sometimes that`s not always the most effective, so what are the best tips to help keep your horse from being swarmed by flies? Here are some ideas.
Invest In Great Fly Gear
We`ve all heard the word invest and we know that it means we shouldn`t just be buying the cheapest option. Really do research into the flight gear, splurge a bit more than you would on some other things. Your horse`s comfort is of utmost priority.
If you purchase quality fly gear it won`t just last longer, but it will actually be more effective.
Try Fly Sprays Until You Find One That Works
Don`t just settle for a mediocre fly spray, each horse reacts differently to different sprays so don`t be afraid to try many different ones until you find one that really works for them.
Be sure to test every new product on just a small area first, just to make sure there are no negative reactions.
Clean Often
Barns are never "clean", we know that, but if you clean up the manure frequently you`ll have less flies because that`s what they`re attracted to. If you can`t do it yourself, pay someone else to. It will be worth the money spent.
Feed-Through Fly Deterrent
You may have heard the myth that if you take a lot of medication, mosquitoes and other biting insects may not like you as much because you don`t taste as good. As a matter of fact, for horses this is true. There are fly deterrents that act as supplements and you incorporate them into your horse`s feed.
This changes the way they taste to flies and makes them not as appealing, thus deterring them from bothering your horse.
Change Up Turnout Times
Flies are most active during the day, and while it`s good for your horse to have bright sunshine daily, you may want to consider the times you turn them out and save it for later in the evenings when it`s still light but the flies aren`t in as much of an abundance.
By combining various forms of these tips you`ll be able to keep your horse nearly fly-free during these irritating months. Flies are aggravating, but they can be combated as long as you put in a bit of time and effort into figuring out what works and what doesn`t.
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