Emily Mason
Emily Mason is an British showjumper who has represented the UK at Nation Cup level, the list of horses competed by Emily Mason includes Cash Du Plessis, Cirus Du Ruisseau Z and Cliff 67. Below you can watch Emily Mason riding Explosion W in the Wellington Nations Cup.

Why is SEO important?
SEO should be a focal point of any business who advertises online. If you don`t currently advertise online then you certainly should.
Building your business a website is great, but without SEO it will be hard to find. Customers who already know you will more than likely know how to find you but the potential of new customers finding your website is completely missed.
SEO - Search Engine Optimisation will provide you with a platform to bring in new customers. A listing so that potential customers can find you without typing in your business name.
This was Kriss`s first introduction to the Shire Horse Society and he purchased three mares during his visit. He has since bought several more mares most notably Norcliffe Claire.
Will my horse like Exclusive Horse Feed?
Answer: Yes, haylage is very tasty to horses and even the most picky horses will usually take to a well produced haylage quickly. Studies have shown that horses prefers haylage to hay. The reasons to this could be as simple as that haylage tastes and smells more like grass than hay does. Haylage may smell a little different to hay due to the fermentation process, but this is more noticeable to humans than to horses.
How long will Exclusive Horse Feed last?
Answer: An unopened bale without holes in the plastic film can last for 12 months. As soon as the bale is opened or if mice, birds or cats have caused damage to the plastic film it is recommended to use the bales within 4 days (depending on the season – the colder the climate, the longer the bales will last).
Home Phone: 540-837-1252 / Cell Phone: 540-270-8577 / Email: millwoodeventing@aol.com
Rez- 15.2 h 3 year old mare, paint/tb cross with papers. Elegant moving horse on the flat and gets comments on her impressive movement. Nice ground manners-clips, loads, cross ties, baths. Completed 3 novice horse trials, WON at CDCTA in the Open Novice division. She is hunting this season with Casanova and is perfect in the hunt field. Very willing and eager to please. Current asking price-$15,000. See other photos in gallery.
Ace - Attractive 13 year old Bay, 16 hands, Registered/Papered Quarter horse gelding. Perfect horse on the trails with or without other horses. Goes through water, over ditches and loves to jump anything you point him at. Easy keeper, good barn manners, trailers well. $7500
SOLD-Long Tall Sally- Sale/Lease 16.2 registered TB Mare-8 years old. Completed the CCI* at Morven with double clear endurance phase. Tons of Prelim mileage including 3rd at Virginia HT and 2nd at Marlborough HT. No time to compete her so price has been reduced to $10,000. Looking for a good home with rider that has time to bring her back. All offers considered. Canelle-11y.o, 15.3h chesnut, registered TB mare. Training level packer with Preliminary experience. Lovely on the flat, clean jumper with nice ground manners. Requires a sensitive rider, excellent choice for adult amamteur or young rider. Tons of training and prelim experience. Reasonably priced at $10,000
Watch juniour rider Emily Ward riding her talented little pony in the 128cm grand prix.
RC Mercury - (Unquestionablyhot x KJ Madji) `96 Bay Gelding. Sired by a Champion English, Driving and Liberty son of The Heatison. Started under saddle. Great neck and round motion. Will be a talented show gelding in the English division.
Delboys Diamond
29 - Scope, Discovery Preliminary Round 1 - 30/08/2005 - Delboys Diamond
Fly Repellent For Horses
Since KONK is natural and not a residual spray, it can be used safely in your home or in food handling establishments such as dairies, restaurants, food processing, and wineries. Also in human traffic areas like hotels, motels, schools, hospitals, and warehouses. KONK Foam is a non pyrethrin residual spray and shouldn`t be used in the food areas.
Find out more about Pyrethrins and look at our KONK Frequently Asked Questions page, to see why you should use Konk in your home or establishment.
ALL KONK insecticide products are Government registered and approved by EPA (Environmental Protection Agency - US).. KONK does not contain CFC`s or other ozone depleting substances.
The haylage is well protected from sowing to harvest to storage by using the latest technique in the forage production area and by the great care of the people working with Exclusive Horse Feed
`I have had the great pleasure of riding with the Carters for over four years now. They have coached me from my first Prelim onward to completing my first advanced. Kyle and Jen have always gone above and beyond what you could expect from any coach. Not only have I been lucky enough to have both of them coach me, but Kyle has also been a major part in making my Young Rider years so special. Kyle coached the NAJYRC Area III CCI** team to the gold last summer. None of this would have been possible without their hard work, dedication, and opportunities the Carters have given my horse Walker and me.` -Emily Renfroe
Fly Repellent For Horses
KONK fly spray uses natural, non synthetic insecticides called pyrethrins, that is a hard hitting insect killer but not to humans or other mammals. These natural insecticides act in two ways.
Attacks insects nervous systems. When exposed, flying insects drop almost instantly, known as the knock down effect.
Insects can detect pyrethrins which will make them flee or keep insects from entering areas with KONK present. Also known as a flushing agent.

Why is SEO important?
SEO should be a focal point of any business who advertises online. If you don`t currently advertise online then you certainly should.
Building your business a website is great, but without SEO it will be hard to find. Customers who already know you will more than likely know how to find you but the potential of new customers finding your website is completely missed.
SEO - Search Engine Optimisation will provide you with a platform to bring in new customers. A listing so that potential customers can find you without typing in your business name.

Emily Matthews
Emily Matthews - UK - Endurance Rider
Emily Abbate
Emily Abbate - USAEmily Anderson
Emily Anderson - USAEmily Auston
Emily Auston - UK
Emily Blew
Emily Blew - UKEmily Brooks
Emily Brooks - UK
Emily Cooper-Reade
Emily Cooper-Reade -Emily Davies
Emily Davies -
Emily Drew
Emily Drew - USA
Emily Duke
Emily Duke - USAEmily Gadd
Emily Gadd - UK
Emily Gershberg
Emily Gershberg - USA

Emily Grant
Emily Grant - UK
Emily Hamblin
Emily Hamblin - UK
Emily Harvey
Emily Harvey - UKEmily Hodgson
Emily Hodgson - AustraliaEmily Jane Corbett
Emily Jane Corbett - IrelandEmily Kate Cousins
Emily Kate Cousins - UK

Emily King
Emily King - UKEmily Lawes
Emily Lawes - UKEmily Leslie
Emily Leslie - UKEmily Lumb
Emily Lumb - UKEmily Mc Connell
Emily Mc Connell - USA
Emily O`Neill
Emily O`Neill - USAEmily Parker
Emily Parker - UKEmily Pope
Emily Pope - USAEmily Roe
Emily Roe -
Emily Rose
Emily Rose - USA
Emily Scott
Emily Scott - UKEmily Acton
Emily Acton - IrelandEmily Armstrong
Emily Armstrong - AustraliaEmily Balme
Emily Balme - New ZealandEmily Brownlow
Emily Brownlow - Ireland

Emily Clark
Emily Clark - UKEmily Kannenstine
Emily Kannenstine - USAEmily Kinch
Emily Kinch - BarbadosEmily Smith
Emily Smith - Canada
Emily Noszkay
Emily Noszkay - UK
Emily Perrier
Emily Perrier - FranceEmily Reed
Emily Reed - USA
Emily Rogers
Emily Rogers - New ZealandEmily Rose Evans
Emily Rose Evans - USA

Emily Sours
Emily Sours - USAEmily Strackfuss
Emily Strackfuss - Australia
Emily Tears
Emily Tears - USAEmily Turkington
Emily Turkington - Ireland
Emily Wagner
Emily Wagner - USAEmily West
Emily West - UKEmily Young-Jamieson
Emily Young-Jamieson - UK
Emily Abrahams
Emily Abrahams - Uk

Emily Anker
Emily Anker - AustraliaEmily Berenstain
Emily Berenstain - USA
Emily Beshear
Emily Beshear - USA
Emily Blinkworth
Emily Blinkworth - AustraliaEmily Broad
Emily Broad -Emily Clingman
Emily Clingman - USAEmily Cooper
Emily Cooper - IrelandEmily Daigneault
Emily Daigneault - CanadaEmily Daley
Emily Daley - Australia
Emily Dockray
Emily Dockray - AustraliaEmily Drummond-Dunn
Emily Drummond-Dunn - UK

Emily Erde
Emily Erde - UKEmily Esau
Emily Esau - USA
Emily Froehlich
Emily Froehlich -Emily Gresty
Emily Gresty - UKEmily Harris
Emily Harris - UKEmily Hogye
Emily Hogye - USA
Emily Johnson
Emily Johnson - UK
Emily Keith
Emily Keith - UK
Emily Krause
Emily Krause - USAEmily Ledoux-Bloom
Emily Ledoux-Bloom - USA
Emily Lewis
Emily Lewis - USAEmily Lochore
Emily Lochore - UK
Emily Miller
Emily Miller - IrelandEmily O`Shea
Emily O`Shea - AustraliaEmily Pintauro
Emily Pintauro - USAEmily Proud
Emily Proud -Emily Rodgers
Emily Rodgers - USA
Emily Schultz
Emily Schultz - USAEmily Smallman
Emily Smallman - UK

Emily Spiller
Emily Spiller - USA

Emily Streckfuss
Emily Streckfuss - AustraliaEmily Timmis
Emily Timmis - UK
Emily Fogelberg
Emily Fogelberg - USAEmily Galbraith
Emily Galbraith -
Emily Gilruth
Emily Gilruth - UK
Emily Gray
Emily Gray - Australia
Emily Hansen - Palmus
Emily Hansen - Palmus - USAEmily Horgan
Emily Horgan - IrelandEmily Pocock
Emily Pocock - UKJessica Emily Sayers
Jessica Emily Sayers -

Emily Godsey
Emily Godsey - USA - EventingEmily Cousins Dressage
Emily Cousins Solo Bachelorette Addington Manor High Profile Grand PrixEmily Scholes
Emily Scholes -This was Kriss`s first introduction to the Shire Horse Society and he purchased three mares during his visit. He has since bought several more mares most notably Norcliffe Claire.
Emily Rowles Nicholson
Emily Rowles Nicholson - UK - Eventing
Will my horse like Exclusive Horse Feed?
Answer: Yes, haylage is very tasty to horses and even the most picky horses will usually take to a well produced haylage quickly. Studies have shown that horses prefers haylage to hay. The reasons to this could be as simple as that haylage tastes and smells more like grass than hay does. Haylage may smell a little different to hay due to the fermentation process, but this is more noticeable to humans than to horses.
Emily Farleigh
Emily Farleigh - UK - Eventing
Emily Clarke
Emily Clarke - UK - Eventing
Emily Laughton
Emily Laughton - UK - Eventing
How long will Exclusive Horse Feed last?
Answer: An unopened bale without holes in the plastic film can last for 12 months. As soon as the bale is opened or if mice, birds or cats have caused damage to the plastic film it is recommended to use the bales within 4 days (depending on the season – the colder the climate, the longer the bales will last).
Emily Weber
Millwood Eventing operated by Emily Weber at Viewmont Farm in Millwood, Virginia. After graduating from high school in 3 years I spent a year as a working student for Stephen Bradley. I`m currently training with Kelly Temple and Jimmy Wofford while attending college part time. I have competed at the two star level placing 3rd at Radnor International CCI** in 1999. Since then I have been bringing young horses through the levels of eventing with a goal to compete at the advanced level. I`m currently competing young horse of my own and for other people. I`m in charge of the horses at Viewmont that are here in training for various things. Please feel free to take a look at my sale horses and contact me at any time.Home Phone: 540-837-1252 / Cell Phone: 540-270-8577 / Email: millwoodeventing@aol.com

Ace - Attractive 13 year old Bay, 16 hands, Registered/Papered Quarter horse gelding. Perfect horse on the trails with or without other horses. Goes through water, over ditches and loves to jump anything you point him at. Easy keeper, good barn manners, trailers well. $7500
SOLD-Long Tall Sally- Sale/Lease 16.2 registered TB Mare-8 years old. Completed the CCI* at Morven with double clear endurance phase. Tons of Prelim mileage including 3rd at Virginia HT and 2nd at Marlborough HT. No time to compete her so price has been reduced to $10,000. Looking for a good home with rider that has time to bring her back. All offers considered. Canelle-11y.o, 15.3h chesnut, registered TB mare. Training level packer with Preliminary experience. Lovely on the flat, clean jumper with nice ground manners. Requires a sensitive rider, excellent choice for adult amamteur or young rider. Tons of training and prelim experience. Reasonably priced at $10,000
Emily Ward
Emily Ward - Wild Rose - Showjumping - Bury Farm All Stars Grand PrixWatch juniour rider Emily Ward riding her talented little pony in the 128cm grand prix.
Emily Livermore
Emily Livermore - USARC Mercury - (Unquestionablyhot x KJ Madji) `96 Bay Gelding. Sired by a Champion English, Driving and Liberty son of The Heatison. Started under saddle. Great neck and round motion. Will be a talented show gelding in the English division.
Emily Rodney
Emily Rodney is a British showjumping rider, who is a well respected producer of young horses. Below you can watch Emily Rodney in action at the Blue Chip championships in the FMBs Therapy Systems Star Championship riding Miss Saigon vd Netev Vallei.
Emily Rodney Horses
Awesome AgainDelboys Diamond
Emily Rodney Competition Results
19 - Scope, 1.25m Preliminary Round 1 - 31/08/2005 - Awesome Again29 - Scope, Discovery Preliminary Round 1 - 30/08/2005 - Delboys Diamond
Fly Repellent For Horses
Since KONK is natural and not a residual spray, it can be used safely in your home or in food handling establishments such as dairies, restaurants, food processing, and wineries. Also in human traffic areas like hotels, motels, schools, hospitals, and warehouses. KONK Foam is a non pyrethrin residual spray and shouldn`t be used in the food areas.
Find out more about Pyrethrins and look at our KONK Frequently Asked Questions page, to see why you should use Konk in your home or establishment.
ALL KONK insecticide products are Government registered and approved by EPA (Environmental Protection Agency - US).. KONK does not contain CFC`s or other ozone depleting substances.
Emily Staadecker
Emily Staadecker - USA - Dressage Riders
Emily Philp
Emily Philp
Event Rider Emily Philip born 20 June 1984, in 2009 she won her first Intermediate event. In 2011 Emily completed her first 3* Event. Emily’s goals for 2012 are to spend the winter improving the showjumping at 1.30 m + levelEmily Philp Horses
Emily Philp Competition Results

Emily Teare
Emily Teare - UK - EventingEmily Dibartolomeo
Emily Dibartolomeo - USA - EventingThe haylage is well protected from sowing to harvest to storage by using the latest technique in the forage production area and by the great care of the people working with Exclusive Horse Feed
Emily Oppenheimer
Emily Oppenheimer - UK - Eventing
Emily Skuse
Emily Skuse - Jockey
Emily Renfroe
20 years old, Advanced level, 5 years with the Carters`I have had the great pleasure of riding with the Carters for over four years now. They have coached me from my first Prelim onward to completing my first advanced. Kyle and Jen have always gone above and beyond what you could expect from any coach. Not only have I been lucky enough to have both of them coach me, but Kyle has also been a major part in making my Young Rider years so special. Kyle coached the NAJYRC Area III CCI** team to the gold last summer. None of this would have been possible without their hard work, dedication, and opportunities the Carters have given my horse Walker and me.` -Emily Renfroe
Emily Hilton
Emily Hilton - Showjumping Rider / Emily Hilton & Renkum Olinthos (Renkum Offender x Cobretti)Emily Hilton Horses - DUNJA II, ETTA JAMES, MILLY MEXICO, RNH TINKERBELL
Emily Ross Browne
Emily Ross Browne - UK - Eventing RiderEmily Roos
Emily Roos - USA - Showjumping RiderEmily Du Luart
Emily Du Luart is a British eventer, horses competed by Emily Du Luart includes Oh Vivaldi, Miss D Cheyenne, Miss D Piggy, Compton Verney and Buzz B II. We need more information on Emily to improve our stableexpress rider database, if you can help please email us at info@stableexpress.comFly Repellent For Horses
KONK fly spray uses natural, non synthetic insecticides called pyrethrins, that is a hard hitting insect killer but not to humans or other mammals. These natural insecticides act in two ways.
Attacks insects nervous systems. When exposed, flying insects drop almost instantly, known as the knock down effect.
Insects can detect pyrethrins which will make them flee or keep insects from entering areas with KONK present. Also known as a flushing agent.
Emily Pestl-Dimmitt
Emily Pestl-Dimmitt - USA - Eventing Rider
Emily Wright
Emily Wright - USA - Dressage RiderEmily Llewellyn
Emily Llewellyn - uk - Eventing