Deborah Elda Dollberg

Christine Firmin

Christine Firmin - Argentina


British drum horseThe British Drum Horse who has been specifically bred by the British Military to carry the heavy drums and drummer for parades. The horses are required to be manouvered by the drummer`s feet. The horses are on parade in front of large crowds of onlookers, with plenty of action and noise abounding, hence they require a calm/sound temperament, achieved with selective breeding, and trainability.

The height and strength required is often attributed to Shire or Clydesdale input in the breeding whilst the Gypsy Vanner contributes colour and strength. The three breeds all having the temperament and reliability.

There has long been a demand for a Breed Registry Society to recognize these magnificent “coloured shires”. For centuries in the UK there have been coloured Drum Horse types, that in essence have the appearance of a coloured Shire Horse but there was never a Society to recognize these stunning horses. Today the Gypsy Vanner & Cob Society recognizes these horses as a breed.

In Australia horses meeting the British Drum Horse Breed Standards may apply for registration with the Gypsy Vanner & Cob Society Inc.

Christine Firmin