Eduardo Beccar Varela

Candelaria Blanco

Candelaria Blanco - Argentina

horse property seattle Your horse should be a big part of your family,unless you are in business for this. FIRST>> Be sure the person can ride. A bad rider can ruin a horse. Your horse may be returned spooked or all screwed up. Insurance >>in case the person is hurt on your horse or by your horse. The amount is up to you but if your horse steps on the foot of say a professional dancer or an auto mechanic has his hand hurt,, it should cost alot.

A pre agreement that they will not sue>> is B.S. They get hurt and they will sue. And what if your horse gets hurt. Like his front hoof in a gopher hole or gets hit by a car or something..

See my point You need money that bad?? I hope not.

Candelaria Blanco