California Western Appaloosa Show Horse Association |
Since 1966, Cal-Western Appaloosa has been the sole historical record keeping organization for statewide Appaloosa competition and has continued to hold its finger on the pulse of the Appaloosa show industry and to follow our mission statement, which is: Unite Appaloosa interests, by providing leadership and information, promote fun and reward excellence in all areas of competition.
Cal-Western members have the opportunity to participate in a variety of areas with their Appaloosa horses. We have our traditional Appaloosa Breed Show program but we also have other venues available to participants that include an Open (All-Breed) Show program, an Endurance and Competitive Trail Riding program, and a Saddle Log program (for those members who simply enjoy riding their horses).
Appaloosa breed shows and Cal-Western Appaloosa provide a place for a family to enjoy and reap rewards with their Appaloosas. We are a place where every member of a family can participate and compete for awards at their own level of proficiency. Cal-Western`s youth class awards are divided into two age divisions: 13 & Under and 14-18, plus 18 & Under Novice, 6 & Under Leadline and 9 & Under Walk-Trot classes. Our Non-Pro (Owner/Amateur) class awards are divided into three divisions: 19 & Over, 35 & Over, and 19 & Over Novice. Cal-Western also has a program for Non-Pros that is based solely on their novice standing in a particular class based on historical Cal-Western points. There is an over-all high point award for master Non-Pros who are 50 or more years of age, plus we have Horse & Rider awards for two youth divisions and for two Non-Pro divisions.
Cal-Western has special programs for Cal-Bred registered horses. Not only do we offer specific classes for these horses, but they may also compete for year end awards while showing in their regular non-pro, youth and open classes.
In order for you to be a winner in 2001, there are only a few easy requirements to meet. Cal-Western has two geographical areas - North and South - based on the members residence.
Western Appaloosa Horses
@A Roosters Wrangler - Finest Reined Cowhorse Appaloosa

American Quarter Horse Mare & Foal (Impressive Proposal X Inky Inspiration)