
Bonnie Efird

Bonnie Efird - USA - Dressage / Bonnie Efird & Magie Noir riding the PSG at a horse show in Conyers

Bonnie Efird

Bonnie Tobias

Bonnie Tobias - USA

Analytics Package - Understanding the various dynamics at the micro and macro level in PPC marketing and web design is essential in obtaining complete clarity and function. It is just like a basketbal coach who must know each of his players and what they are contributing to the overal team`s success. If they aren`t making baskets or quantitatively contributing to victory, then they don`t play. Such is the same with keywords and the different variables within PPC marketing, these assets could be better used elsewhere.

Bonnie Mcavity

Bonnie Mcavity - USA

Bonnie Price

Bonnie Price - AustraliaBonnie Price

Bonnie Petley Saba

Bonnie Petley Saba - UAE

Daily Split Testing - Using cutting edge technology, PPC Marketing Results accomplishes what used to take months or more in direct mail or print media to days and weeks. Identifying the most effective ad copy and keywords are extremely important when maximizing the various dynamics used to increase your click through rate (CTR) and conversion rate, which in turn brings you revenue in the form of sales and new clients. This ongoing process is essential in fine tuning your high performance marketing machine and maximizing your return on investment (ROI).

Bonnie Fishburn

Bonnie Fishburn - UK - Eventing Bonnie Fishburn

Bonnie Ferrell

Bonnie Ferrell - USA - Dressage Rider Bonnie Ferrell

Bonnie Mosser

Bonnie Mosser - USA - Eventing Bonnie Mosser

A Bonnie Irish Lass

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