Best In Snow
Snow is not the equestrians best friend but some horses can have a whale of time enjoying the snow, below you can see some fantastic horse memes and videos of horses and their owners making the most of the snow.
With the horses stuck in the stable while the snow comes down, you may have a bit of time on your hands like these people who have created some fantastic snow horses.
Alternative Use For A Horse Walker In The Snow and Ice
Well the horses wont be using it in this weather, this little girl has found a great alternative use for the horse walker, looks great fun.
Meet Ranger From Canada @Mary Coyle
My 28-year old girl loves snow 😍 @Eefy La Luna
@Pamela Newcomb Santos
Draft Horse In Snow @dreamstime
@Alaina Ig
Fudgey 💕 @Kerry Tarrant
Magnificent 💙🐴❄️🤍 #Horses

Well the horses wont be using it in this weather, this little girl has found a great alternative use for the horse walker, looks great fun.

Snow Polo
Not all equine sports are stopped because of snow, some countries have much more snow so you need to make the most of it, below you can watch some impressive horses and riders enjoying a game of Polo in the snow.
Chilean snowboarder rescues horse that got stuck in the snow
Snow can not always be fun, be can cause dangers for horses, below you can watch a video of a horse stuck in the snow rescued by some snow boarders.
Equestrians During Winter
Whenever you look through the horse magazines you see stylish ladies and gentlemen dressed for the cold, snow and the rain, us horse owners know the truth!