Barrel Horses
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Roosters Wrangler - Barrel Horses
MatakakaLodge Barrel Horses
HP Dash Ta Fiesta - HP Dash Ta Fiesta 5 yr old Stallion by Dash Ta Fame and out of one of the greatest mares of all times Firewater Fiesta. Stud fee is $1500 For breeding information please contact our breeding manager at
Kendal Owen
I was raised in a household in which our income was based solely on the horse market. As I was growing up my family bought & sold an enormous amount of horses in the sale barns & private treaty. Along the way I had the opportunity to ride & run barrels on any & every kind of horse. In the past three years alone I have rode over 200 different horses with my business "Owen Barrel Horses". In 2004 ALONE, I will have sold $250,000 worth of barrel horses.

Until the past few years I bought other people`s projects, finished or fixed them & then sold them. In 2002 I attempted to train my first young futurity horse. "LG HALE BOPP COMET" who went on to win in excess of $38,000.

Now along with the marketing of the best outside horses I can find. I compete & train on my own futurity horses. And eventually offer them for sale when the time is right.

When I market a horse I have a strict set of guidelines, I follow. I will only sell a horse that I would ride. Which means; "HE BETTER LOOK GOOD & WORK GOOD TOO, PERIOD" The kind that look & feel the part of a winner. I don`t ride sub par individuals & wouldn`t expect anyone else to. In turn "NICE, PRETTY HORSES" tend to sell themselves. Sometimes I have horses that sell in hours after being posted on my for sale page & that reason is SIMPLE. Every horse I have listed is priced @ fair market value. (A consistant proven market value that has worked for me for years) What that means is what the horse is truly worth @ the time he is being offered.

I base this value upon FIRST: Quality, (clean legs, correct conformation, no vices, etc.) "A pretty horse that exudes athleticism & soundess. Is where it all begins for me." SECOND: Training &/or credentials. THIRDLY: Breeding. (which holds especially true when your talking prospects). I FIRMLY believe you cannot ride a set of papers & I also firmly believe a good horse is always cheaper than what a bad horse will end up costing you!!
A few other amazing horses I’ve rode that never got the chance to continue
on with their careers due to injury & sudden retirement:
Go B Boss: “Go B” in my books will always be considered one of the great horses I’ve owned & rode. In late 2000 he crippled permanently due to a blistering agent in which he received third degree burns. The product has since been recalled by the FDA. He was 6 years old & has been retired to a family friend.
Go B set an arena record in 1999 at Pawhuska Okla as a 5 yo against 202 head. He received his ROM after placing 1st & 2nd every day @ the 1999 Tulsa Holiday Circuit, Tulsa Okla. He won a Wrangler Div. Tour in Great Bend Ks. fielded against the top horses in the prairie circuit region. As a 5 yo. Go B was definitely one of my great horses! Go B was a son of BOLD EPISODE.
Daughter of Sundance: Maggie is a grandaughter of Flaming Jet & Hankins Goldnugget by King. She was my 2003 futurity colt. Anyone that watched this young beautiful mare perform was amazed at her ability & try. She had the fastest first barrel of anything going down the road. She tipped a barrel in Memphis EBFA futurity this year to place in the 2D after coasting home. Maggie got sore on me in Texas & a trip to the veterinarian revealed she had severely rotated coffin bones due to a previous foundering as a colt. She also amazingly enough had a bullet lodged in one hock!!! What heart to be injured so badly & still run tough!! She will always have a home here.
Barrel Horses For Sale
Driftin Frenchman, 4 yo geld. by Bucks & Barrel Ranch, PC Frenchman (FULL brother to Bozo) Loping the pattern. Super gentle, ANYONE can ride this horse. Knows his pattern. Been hauled & NOTHING bothers him. Loads of personality. Sound, no bad habits. Real clean. AQHA Incentive Fund. Super cute!! Beautiful mane & tail!! 14`2h (HUGE stride) $5000 "You won`t buy a 4 yo Frenchman any cheaper!" THE VIDEO IS UP: Drifter Lopin a pattern: Drifter (click on link "Drifter") WARNING: This horse will sell in hours!!
I saw this mare a mo. ago @ a barrel race & would have like to had her then. She looked good. Owner offered, I jumped!! Then I got her papers... DAUGHTER of "ON THE DASH", which makes her a 1/2 sister to 2004 TRIPLE CROWN WINNER, Promises to Dash!! Running a great set of barrels @ home. Fun, fun spring project, exhibition & enter up!! 15H, clean, sound & super cute. Great to be around, stall kept, tight haired. All the homework is done now go to hauling. NO bad habits!!! Get her now before anyone else does!! 15H.SOLD
Moneys Special Perks, 3 yo, 15H, 1250 lbs. Sorrel/Roanish Grandson of Dash For Perks owned by The Bradleys of Sperry, Okla. CR Bradley is a 2004 NFR Calf Roper. The dam to this outstanding colt is the horse he rode to several AQHA World Championships, etc! This colt is broke the very best having well over a year with a NRHA Hall of Famer Clark Bradley (CR`s dad). So when we talk about broke we mean sliding stops, correct wind em` up & down turnarounds, the whole nine yards!!! Ready to start on the pattern. NO DOUBT!! You can`t find a better broke 3 yo. HECK maybe 13 yo!! Sound, SANE, NO holes!! Need the money to get back on the rodeo trail in 05`. $10,000 You will not ride a nicer young horse, ANYWHERE.

Kendal Owen
I was raised in a household in which our income was based solely on the horse market. As I was growing up my family bought & sold an enormous amount of horses in the sale barns & private treaty. Along the way I had the opportunity to ride & run barrels on any & every kind of horse. In the past three years alone I have rode over 200 different horses with my business "Owen Barrel Horses". In 2004 ALONE, I will have sold $250,000 worth of barrel horses.

Until the past few years I bought other people`s projects, finished or fixed them & then sold them. In 2002 I attempted to train my first young futurity horse. "LG HALE BOPP COMET" who went on to win in excess of $38,000.

Now along with the marketing of the best outside horses I can find. I compete & train on my own futurity horses. And eventually offer them for sale when the time is right.

When I market a horse I have a strict set of guidelines, I follow. I will only sell a horse that I would ride. Which means; "HE BETTER LOOK GOOD & WORK GOOD TOO, PERIOD" The kind that look & feel the part of a winner. I don`t ride sub par individuals & wouldn`t expect anyone else to. In turn "NICE, PRETTY HORSES" tend to sell themselves. Sometimes I have horses that sell in hours after being posted on my for sale page & that reason is SIMPLE. Every horse I have listed is priced @ fair market value. (A consistant proven market value that has worked for me for years) What that means is what the horse is truly worth @ the time he is being offered.

I base this value upon FIRST: Quality, (clean legs, correct conformation, no vices, etc.) "A pretty horse that exudes athleticism & soundess. Is where it all begins for me." SECOND: Training &/or credentials. THIRDLY: Breeding. (which holds especially true when your talking prospects). I FIRMLY believe you cannot ride a set of papers & I also firmly believe a good horse is always cheaper than what a bad horse will end up costing you!!
A few other amazing horses I’ve rode that never got the chance to continue
on with their careers due to injury & sudden retirement:
Go B Boss: “Go B” in my books will always be considered one of the great horses I’ve owned & rode. In late 2000 he crippled permanently due to a blistering agent in which he received third degree burns. The product has since been recalled by the FDA. He was 6 years old & has been retired to a family friend.
Go B set an arena record in 1999 at Pawhuska Okla as a 5 yo against 202 head. He received his ROM after placing 1st & 2nd every day @ the 1999 Tulsa Holiday Circuit, Tulsa Okla. He won a Wrangler Div. Tour in Great Bend Ks. fielded against the top horses in the prairie circuit region. As a 5 yo. Go B was definitely one of my great horses! Go B was a son of BOLD EPISODE.
Daughter of Sundance: Maggie is a grandaughter of Flaming Jet & Hankins Goldnugget by King. She was my 2003 futurity colt. Anyone that watched this young beautiful mare perform was amazed at her ability & try. She had the fastest first barrel of anything going down the road. She tipped a barrel in Memphis EBFA futurity this year to place in the 2D after coasting home. Maggie got sore on me in Texas & a trip to the veterinarian revealed she had severely rotated coffin bones due to a previous foundering as a colt. She also amazingly enough had a bullet lodged in one hock!!! What heart to be injured so badly & still run tough!! She will always have a home here.
Barrel Horses For Sale
Driftin Frenchman, 4 yo geld. by Bucks & Barrel Ranch, PC Frenchman (FULL brother to Bozo) Loping the pattern. Super gentle, ANYONE can ride this horse. Knows his pattern. Been hauled & NOTHING bothers him. Loads of personality. Sound, no bad habits. Real clean. AQHA Incentive Fund. Super cute!! Beautiful mane & tail!! 14`2h (HUGE stride) $5000 "You won`t buy a 4 yo Frenchman any cheaper!" THE VIDEO IS UP: Drifter Lopin a pattern: Drifter (click on link "Drifter") WARNING: This horse will sell in hours!!
I saw this mare a mo. ago @ a barrel race & would have like to had her then. She looked good. Owner offered, I jumped!! Then I got her papers... DAUGHTER of "ON THE DASH", which makes her a 1/2 sister to 2004 TRIPLE CROWN WINNER, Promises to Dash!! Running a great set of barrels @ home. Fun, fun spring project, exhibition & enter up!! 15H, clean, sound & super cute. Great to be around, stall kept, tight haired. All the homework is done now go to hauling. NO bad habits!!! Get her now before anyone else does!! 15H.SOLD
Moneys Special Perks, 3 yo, 15H, 1250 lbs. Sorrel/Roanish Grandson of Dash For Perks owned by The Bradleys of Sperry, Okla. CR Bradley is a 2004 NFR Calf Roper. The dam to this outstanding colt is the horse he rode to several AQHA World Championships, etc! This colt is broke the very best having well over a year with a NRHA Hall of Famer Clark Bradley (CR`s dad). So when we talk about broke we mean sliding stops, correct wind em` up & down turnarounds, the whole nine yards!!! Ready to start on the pattern. NO DOUBT!! You can`t find a better broke 3 yo. HECK maybe 13 yo!! Sound, SANE, NO holes!! Need the money to get back on the rodeo trail in 05`. $10,000 You will not ride a nicer young horse, ANYWHERE.