Anita Hutchins

Anja Lange

Anja Lange - Germany

Components of search engine page

Now let’s deconstruct the search engine result page, which is called SERP in the industry, and define the key components. The traditional universal search engine is comprised of two components, the search engine optimization (SEO) section and the search engine marketing (SEM) section. It should be easy to distinguish the two sections on a SERP page when looking at the layout of the page on almost any search engine.

Potentially a third section could appear on a search engine, which is the local search component and typically it is logically incorporated into the search engine optimization section. There is not even a standard name for this section or consumer product, since it is relatively new and I will use local search optimization for the purposes of a business. It is typically optional or dynamic depending on the consumer’s search terms and the implementation by the search engine. Many times the search engines enable the consumer to explicitly select the local search interface, which caters to a local search user experience. However, it has gained more popularity as consumer intent is understood and geographic location becomes a more readily available and predominant factor.

Anja Lange