Andemir Alberdiev
Andemir Alberdiev - Russia
Blog marketing is the term used to describe internet marketing via web blogs. These blogs differ from corporate websites because they feature daily or weekly posts, often around a single topic. Typically, corporations use blogs to create a dialog with customers and explain features of their products and services. Blogs are often websites utilizing customizable content management software, such as Joomla or WordPress. These sites are easy to update and often provide useful articles, videos, photos, anything to communicate with your customer base.
Blog marketing is the term used to describe internet marketing via web blogs. These blogs differ from corporate websites because they feature daily or weekly posts, often around a single topic. Typically, corporations use blogs to create a dialog with customers and explain features of their products and services. Blogs are often websites utilizing customizable content management software, such as Joomla or WordPress. These sites are easy to update and often provide useful articles, videos, photos, anything to communicate with your customer base.