Wendy Fowler

Ali Zaid Altamimy

Ali Zaid Altamimy - Saudi Arabia


Many marketers pay thousands of dollars for ad space, but neglect the message. They overlook the creative and the copy, and publish advertising that lacks an effective marketing message. Your ad will be competing for the viewer/reader/listener attention, and will have the best possible chances to be effective if it is written, designed and produced by professionals. Among other things, a creative team (copywriter, art director and designer) can:

See beyond your products features and specifications
Convey benefits that are important for your prospects
Look from a different point of view and find a new angle to focus on
Prevent mistakes, follow deadlines and meet format specifications

A very common mistake many marketers make is to neglect the quality of the artwork submitted to a publication. Errors in phone numbers, quality of images submitted, and other seemingly minor mistakes are ad killers. Hiring a professional designer, copywriter and art director team to create an ad can be the best investment you make when advertising - otherwise you may be losing money, not bringing in revenue. If your message is not effective, if your ad is not attractive and your call to action is not compelling, your chances of success are almost zero. Many advertisers rely on the media production department to come up with an ad, but a busy production department handling dozens or hundreds of clients` ads simultaneously will never give your ad the same attention a creative team hired by you would. They are concerned about meeting their deadlines and can overlook even the most basic elements in your advertisement. In essence, you always get what you pay for.

A good approach is to hire a creative team and ask they develop at least two unique concepts for your ad. If possible, test them with your final consumers (existing clients / target audience) before running them. Is your advertising message easily recalled? Does it promote brand awareness? Is it compelling? Does it scream your message to the audience you desire to capture?

Ali Zaid Altamimy