Alberto Ferrandi

Albertus Steenkamp

Albertus Steenkamp - South Africa

People Helping Horses strives to place rehabilitated horses into a loving home. Some horses will be great riding horses while others will make excellent companion horses.

Residents remain at our rescue facility in Arlington Washington for a minimum of 6 months while their health, behaviour, and personality is closely monitored and documented. We work to rehabilitate any health or personality issues to insure that horses adopted out are suitable for the purposes the adopting family intent.

Prior to adoption, both the horse and the adopter will spend time together to ensure that their personalities and lifestyles are compatible; the future home of the horse will be visited and deemed safe and healthy. After adoption, People Helping Horses will perform a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual checkup on the horse; their health, safety, and happiness will be evaluated in their new home. People Helping Horses will retain ownership of the horse until the full year is up and their new, permanent home is deemed happy, healthy, and safe.

If you are interested in becoming a future adopter, foster care provider, or volunteer, please click here to contact our office.

Albertus Steenkamp