Aime Newton

Aimee Robinson

Aimee Robinson - New Zealand

Training Program

Trainers: Dale and Susan Sloat

Dale`s love of horses spans more than 50 years. He has been professionally training horses since the early age of 18. He began his career working for the legendary Garland Bradshaw. Over the years he culminated his experiences into his own training program. His experience includes: Hackney Ponies, Road Horses, and all disciplines of the Saddlebred horse. He continues his success with many young horses and the Show String of Greenway.

Susan began her riding and training experience with Arabians. After meeting Dale, they combined their horse knowledge and experience to produce what is now Dale Sloat Stables Inc. She uses her calm and temperant nature to introduce riding and showing to both the young and older riders.

Dale and Sue use various training methods to start young horses with the fundamentals that all horses must do correctly. These skills range from simple directional moves to even the art of gaiting a young horse. From this level the horse is developed into a finished product. Their training varies with "green broke" and unfinished horses. They cater to the needs of the horse and desires of the owner.

Aimee Robinson