Abdul Jaleel Arafeh

Abdul Rahman Saleh Al Marzooqi

Abdul Rahman Saleh Al Marzooqi - UAE


A `nanny` type mare, who knows everything, she will ignore rider cues when/if rider lacks confidence. She`ll do anything you ask, if you have real confidence which is gained only from experience. The less experienced you are, the more she will help you. More or less she literally `keeps` riders safe and from falling. Very cool.

Her past

Is a POA mare. She was bought for 750, had been trained by a good man, owned by good people and had no health problems whatsoever.

I added to her training early on by teaching her advanced dressage, word commands, gesture, (trick training as well as classical dressage/jumping) lay and rear on command among MANY other bits and pieces. She will ignore a rider`s command (Intelligent disobedience) if the situation is potentially dangerous. She has a special gait I like to call `granny gear` used solely for very small children/disabled. I can`t say enough about this girl.

A look at 2012
Lessons, trails etc all the normal stuff year in year out. Nothing unusual (She`s ALWAYS good) We tried twice to get her pregnant, didn`t work! Will try with a vengeance in 2013 Much of the year she was not in the lesson program, so she got lots of time off. She did compete, pulled numerous ribbons and did great, carrying youngsters to their first shows.

Abdul Rahman Saleh Al Marzooqi